Author(s): Glenn S. Orton
Co-Author(s): L. N. Fletcher, T. Stallard, K. Baines, K. M. Sayanagi, Y. Yung, S. Edgington, S. Gulkis, J. Moses, F. J. Martin-Torres, U. Dyudina, B. Marty, N. Teanby, P.G.J. Irwin, T. Cavalié, D.H. Atkinson, O. Mousis, A.J. Friedson, T.R. Spilker, M. Hofstadter, R. Morales-Juberias, A.P. Showman, X. Liu, P. Hartogh, M. Wong, T.R. Spilker, M.B. Lystrup, A. Coustenis, T. Greathouse, R. K. Achterberg, G.L. Bjoraker, S.S. Limaye, P. Read, D. Gautier, D.S. Choi, T. Kostiuk, D. Huestis, A.F. Nagy, M. Choukroun, I. Muller-Wodarg, P. Yanamandra-Fisher
Panel Selection: Giant Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and exoplanets, including rings and magnetic fields, but not their satellites.
Institution: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
We describe the key goals for Saturn atmospheric science (from Cassini, observatories, and new missions) organized into 5 themes: composition and chemistry, weather-layer dynamics and internal structure, clouds and hazes, time-variable phenomena and coupling to the external environment.