Author(s): Mark Hofstadter
Co-Author(s): David Atkinson, Kevin Baines, Shawn Brooks, Imke de Pater, Leigh Fletcher, A. James Friedson, Mark Gurwell, Matthew Hedman, Brigette Hesman, Patrick Irwin, Sanjay Limaye, Steven Miller, Robert Moeller, Julianne Moses, Neil Murphy, Glenn Orton, Robert Pappalardo,Kathy Rages, Nicole Rappaport, Christophe Sotin, Linda Spilker, Thomas Spilker, Tom Stallard,Matthew Tiscareno, Elizabeth Turtle, Daniel Wenkert
Panel Selection: Giant Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and exoplanets, including rings and magnetic fields, but not their satellites.
Institution: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
This paper discusses some of the fundamental science that must be done at Uranus if we are to understand our Solar System and systems discovered around other stars. We suggest a Uranus Orbiter should be launched in the next decade.