Author(s): Mark Hofstadter
Co-Author(s): Don Banfield, Linda Brown, Thibault Cavalie, Imke de Pater, Scott Edgington, Leigh Fletcher, A. James Friedson, Daniel Gautier, Sam Gulkis, Mark Gurwell, Patrick Irwin, Erich Karkoschka, Jean-Pierre Lebreton, Julianne Moses, Glenn Orton, Kathy Rages, Peter Read, Adam P. Showman, Nicholas Teanby, P. Yanamandra-Fisher
Panel Selection: Giant Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and exoplanets, including rings and magnetic fields, but not their satellites.
Institution: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
We believe many important atmospheric science questions can only be addressed by studies of the ice giants Uranus and Neptune. These questions relate to fundamental atmospheric processes that help us understand the formation, evolution, and current structure of all planets.