Author(s): Carle M. Pieters
Co-Author(s): Carlton Allen, Mahesh Anand, W. Bruce Banerdt, William Bottke, Barbara Cohen, Ian A. Crawford, Andrew Daga, Rick Elphic, Bernard Foing, Lisa R. Gaddis, James B. Garvin, Timothy L. Grove, B. Ray Hawke, Jennifer Heldmann, Dana M. Hurley, Brad Jolliff, Christian Koeberl, Clive Neal, Brian J. O’Brien, Anne Peslier, Noah Petro, Jeffery Plescia, Amalie Sinclair, Timothy J. Stubbs, Ross Taylor, Stefanie Tompkins, Allan H. Treiman,Elizabeth Turtle, Mark Wieczorek, Lionel Wilson, Aileen Yingst
Panel Selection: Inner Planets: Mercury, Venus, and the Moon.
Institution: Brown University
Understanding processes that have occurred on the Moon provide a framework for understanding the origin and evolution of the other terrestrial planets. The SCEM science goals and priorities remain fundamentally relevant to our understanding of the solar system and central to its exploration.