Author(s): Sanjay S. Limaye
Co-Author(s): Mark Allen, Sushil Atreya, Kevin H. Baines, Jean-Loup Bertaux, Gordon Bjoraker, Jacques Blamont, Mark Bullock, Eric Chassefiere, Gordon Chin, Curt Covey, David Grinspoon, Samuel Gulkis, Viktor Kerzhanovich, Stephen Lewis, Kevin McGouldrick, W. J. Markiewicz, Rosalyn A. Pertzborn, Christopher Rozoff, Giuseppe Piccioni, Gerald Schubert, Lawrence A. Sromovsky, Colin F. Wilson, Yuk Yung
Panel Selection: Inner Planets: Mercury, Venus, and the Moon.
Institution: University of Wiscosin - Madison
This paper describes the major questions about the atmosphere of Venus and the observations required to understand it. “How Does Venus atmosphere work?” A dedicated and renewed exploration effort is required to address this fundamental question. Key questions requiring new observations include: H