NASA Nationwide Program

NASA Nationwide: A consortium of formal and informal education networks that form an online community of shared resources that provides opportunities for these groups to coordinate, cooperate, and collaborate with each other. NASA Nationwide is a cohesive and consistent mechanism for broadcasting to, engaging, and training all of the networks together on topics of common interest, while maintaining the uniqueness of each program. NASA scientists are able to network and connect with volunteer groups through the NASA Nationwide online community and can also get involved in developing resources for the NASA Nationwide community.


Astro Camp Community Partners (ACCP) Lunar and Planetary Institute NASA’s Eyes @ JPL
Astronomy From the Ground Up MAVEN Educator Ambassadors NASA’s Universe of Learning
Deep Space Network Museum & Informal Education (MIE) Alliance NASA@ My Library
Earth to Sky NASA Astromaterials New Horizons Educator Fellows
GAVRT Teachers NASA Earth Science Education Collaborative Night Sky Network
GBH NASA Heliophysics Education Action Team NISE Network
Girl Scouts: Reach for the Stars NASA Science Activation OpenSpace
The GLOBE Program NASA SMD Community of Practice for Education SEES: Texas Space Grant Consortium
Infiniscope NASA Solar System Treks SOFIA: Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors
KSC Docents NASA/IPAC Teacher Archive Research Program Space Place