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Saturn Storm Audio and Image Gallery

Lightning Strikes at Saturn
Lightning Strikes at Saturn

NASA's Cassini spacecraft captured these sounds of lightning strikes at Saturn on March 15, 2011, during the largest and most intense storm observed up-close at Saturn.
Catching Its Tail
Catching Its Tail

The huge storm churning through the atmosphere in Saturn's northern hemisphere overtakes itself as it encircles the planet in this true-color view from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft.
A Day in the Life
A Day in the Life

These false-color images from NASA's Cassini spacecraft chronicle a day in the life of a huge storm that developed from a small spot that appeared 12 weeks earlier in Saturn's northern mid-latitudes.
Spotting Saturn's Northern Storm
Spotting Saturn's Northern Storm

NASA's Cassini spacecraft captures a composite near-true-color view of the huge storm churning through the atmosphere in Saturn's northern hemisphere.
Telescopic View of Saturn 1
Telescopic View of Saturn 1

Amateur astronomers helped scientists track the growth of the largest, most intense lightning storm on Saturn seen by NASA's Cassini and Voyager spacecraft. This image was obtained by Anthony Wesley, of Murrambateman, Australia, on Dec. 22, 2010.
Telescopic View of Saturn 2
Telescopic View of Saturn 2

Amateur astronomers helped scientists track the growth of the largest, most intense lightning storm on Saturn seen by NASA's Cassini and Voyager spacecraft. This image was obtained by Christopher Go, of Cebu, the Philippines on Dec. 13, 2010.