Solar System Ambassadors
Paul Hueper
Paul Hueper has been an amateur astronomer since the late 1970s. He co-owns a private observatory and is active in efforts to detect transits of extrasolar planets orbiting other stars. He also has participated in timing stellar occultations by the Moon and asteroids. Paul has past volunteer experience at the U.S. Naval Observatory and part-time work at the National Air and Space Museum's planetarium. He has an interest in comparative planetary geology and the processes shaping the Solar System's diverse family of fascinating worlds.|Paul's presentations outline the exciting discoveries from NASA's ongoing Solar System exploration and mysteries that may be solved with upcoming robotic missions. His talks about Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) cover collision risks, potential resource mining and the use of NEAs as stepping-stones for manned space exploration. Paul's presentations on extrasolar planets convey the vast implications of ongoing space- and ground-based search efforts to find Earth-like planets.|