Solar System Ambassadors
Loretta McKibben
In 1997, Loretta McKibben signed up to be a Galileo Ambassador to Jupiter and proudly informed a coworker, a research meteorologist at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL). He raised an eyebrow and said, "Oh? When do you leave?" and everyone laughed. They all knew she would go if she could! Since then, she's been a Solar System Ambassador in four states and loves giving talks, hosting workshops, organizing or participating in educational star parties with her telescopes, and working with K-12 teachers and their students. She has many years of experience in teaching kids about astronomy, planetary science and space exploration in science museums, K-12 classrooms, and other facilities. She's been a public telescope operator at a science museum and university observatory. In her career of providing computer and technical support to scientists,I've been honored to work on two Mars instrument teams at the Lunar and Planetary Lab, multiple planetary science, astronomy and astrophysics projects at three universities, and with an award-winning weather-forecasting software development group at NSSL for over a decade. Her educational background is in astrophysics. Serving as a Solar System Ambassador is a privilege and honor, and she's enjoyed every moment.