Solar System Ambassadors
Randy Hemann

Randy Hemann is a retired physician and former chief medical officer from Rochester, Minnesota. His interest in astronomy was planted at age 10 in his backyard on a cold winter night when his 3-inch reflector telescope "discovered" Saturn as this new "star" entering the constellation of Orion. That indelible impression never left him. Later in life, after extensive education in medicine and establishing his career, he purchased a 6-inch reflector telescope from a friend -- and then it began. He joined a local amateur astronomy club and has performed as its president for the last 25 years. He enjoys producing daytime and nighttime astronomical outreach events for local schools, scouts, libraries, and regional state parks. Now retired, he and his wife Lynne travel the country in his motorhome, always toting several telescopes for impromptu campsite night observing sessions with others. He often pulls a trailer that houses his 18- and 30-inch Dobsonian telescopes for more extensive observing opportunities.