Burbank, California

Member since 2024

Contact Joshua

Josh Smooha is an artist and filmmaker based in Los Angeles, California with a deep love for astronomy and outer space. Originally, he wanted to be an astronomer, but that changed when his dad showed him science fiction films. When the humans and aliens made contact playing those famous sky tones, Josh decided to become a filmmaker -- hoping to inspire the same wonder and awe he saw in that movie to others. For the past 10+ years he’s worked on TV shows and movies, but something was always missing -- his love for science. After spending the pandemic camping as much as possible, stargazing with his telescope at night, Josh reconnected with his love of science and learned about the Solar System Ambassadors program. To Josh, science and art are all about instilling awe and wonder in others, making lightbulbs of inspiration click in others. As a Solar System Ambassador, his mission is to find the intersection of his two worlds and use his art to promote the joys of science and the universe.