Carolina, Puerto Rico

Member since 2023

Contact Benny

Benny Sierra was interested in art very early on. A better writer than an illustrator, he became a writer, having written and directed various plays, short and full-length movies since 1995, he continued his progress until in 2013, with the push of a couple of friends, he decided to publish a collection of short stories and started touring the island promoting his books. There he discovered that he had the talent for public speaking. As time went on, Benny found himself fascinated with science and above all, space exploration. Finding out, already as an adult, the actual size of the Sun in comparison with the size of Earth, made him realize that he knew nothing about the universe, so he decided to change that. He grabbed every book, magazine or anything available, started watching documentaries, surfing the internet and immersing himself in all the knowledge he could think of. All the knowledge of the universe is literally at you finger tips, he knew it, and took advantage of it. Once he learned how to separate fact from pseudo-knowledge, he found the right groups to join. Then the met the people of the Sociedad Astronómica del Caribe (SAC), where even since day one, his started contributing with already stablished members, helping out on a presentation about the Apollo Missions to the Moon. Soon he became a member himself, and using the public engaging skills he acquired touring with his books, he serves helping the public learn about our solar system and the wonders of space exploration.