Solar System Ambassadors
Christine Royce
Dr. Christine Anne Royce is a Professor in the Department of Teacher Education and Co-Directs the MAT in STEM Education Program at Shippensburg University (PA). While at Shippensburg, she served three consecutive terms as the chair of the teacher education department and has guided and managed the development of a graduate certificate in Online Instructional Learning Environments. During her K-12 teaching experience, Royce focused on helping students make real world connections to their environment and interest them in how science is found within all aspects of their daily lives. She served as the 2018-2019 President for the National Science Teaching Association which is the world’s largest association for science educators. Additional leadership and service roles include having served as the president and current executive secretary of her state organization, the treasurer for the National Science Education Leadership Association, and has served as an NSF panel judge and chair for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science Teaching. She brings to all professional areas a unique educational preparation and background of education, science, and business having completed degrees or certificates in each field. Royce collaborates with educators from the K-College classroom through professional learning, conference papers, and presentations. Most recently (and virtually) she served as the keynote speaker for the 2021 Maryland Collegiate STEM Conference, and as a featured presenter for the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, as well as, being a panel member for the STEM Alliance Global Summit on STEM Education. She has been fortunate to work with educators and students internationally including programs in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East which has illustrated how similar global needs for STEM education are. As an author, she has over 125 publications most of which are focused on the practical application of science in classroom lessons. She has served as a Chandra Resource Agent delivering sessions for educators on the science of the Chandra X-ray Observatory and also as a Educator Ambassador for Fermi, XMM Newton and other high energy mission EPO programs coordinated by Sonoma State University.Her research interests focus around the integration of digital tools and technology into classrooms, sensemaking through integration, the inclusion of children’s literature in elementary science classrooms, and STEM integration. Royce was named a Presidential Awardee for Excellence in Science Teaching where the design of her application focused on how the career and technical fields utilized science. She is the recipient of the NSTA’s Fellow Award, and the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators’ Teacher Educator of the Year Award. Connect with her on Twitter @caroyce.