Leucadia, California

Member since 2001

Contact Patrick

Pat Pezzoli is an amateur astronomer who finds most everything about space to be extremely fascinating. The other half of his excitement stems from sharing the wonders of astronomy with others. Although he is very content with his occupation conducting research in the areas of cancer and HIV, he feels that his real calling is in education. Already having embraced astronomy, some of his most memorable experiences have been watching, in real time through a telescope, the impacts of comet Shoemaker-Levy on Jupiter, spending a very memorable July 4th watching and listening as the Mars Pathfinder mission bounced down on the surface of Mars, and looking at the light from a celestial object enter a child's eye as she peers through one of his telescopes. With the current and proposed missions for space exploration, the public has nothing but very exciting discoveries to look forward to.|Some of the events Pat is planning for this year include many school lectures, inflatable planetarium shows, campground lectures and star parties.