Fairfax Station, Virginia

Member since 2020

Contact Evan

Evan Kramer is currently a senior aerospace engineering student at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is most passionate about two things: space exploration and communicating science and technology ideas to the public. Evan has worked as a summer intern at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2019 and in 2018 and at the NASA Johnson Space Center in 2017. At JPL in 2019, he worked on two instruments on the Mars 2020 rover: Mastcam-Z and SHERLOC. The year before at JPL, he worked on the Sentinel-6 ocean topography satellite. At Johnson Space Center in 2017, he worked on optical navigation cameras for the Orion spacecraft. At Maryland, Evan works in two research labs. One of these labs is the Film Cooling Research Group where Evan studies the effectiveness of a technique called film cooling which aims to reduce the amount of heating a rocket nozzle experiences during engine burns. Evan also works in the Space Power and Propulsion Lab where he studies the effects of micrometeorite impacts on common spacecraft structural materials. Evan has worked with the Film Cooling Research Group since January 2017 and with the Space Power and Propulsion Lab since October 2018. When Evan is not studying for classes, he can be found working in the lab, taking photographs for his college newspaper, or passionately cheering on his favorite soccer team.