Solar System Ambassadors
G. Anthony Galdamez
Anthony Galdamez is a 6-8th grade Space program instructor in the Omaha Public School District. Anthony has created a space curriculum program at his school that teaches and improves STEM/space science skills. He is very passionate about space science. His students know him as the astronaut teacher. Anthony applied to become an astronaut in 2015-2017/current and is currently in training to become a scientific astronaut candidate through the International Institute of Astronautical Sciences. He wants to inspire his students in space exploration. Has experience with high altitude scientific projects. Anthony is a military veteran and finished his masters in education with a concentration in STEM. He is also a certified NASA Endeavor instructor from Columbia University. He teaches at the Aim For The Stars Science and Math Camp at the University of Nebraska at Omaha during the summer. His goal as a Solar System Ambassador is to bring his passion for space exploration to Omaha and the nation.