Solar System Ambassadors
Baron Summers
Dr. Baron C. Summers is cognitive engineering research scientist. He has degrees in several technical disciplines and has devoted his professional life to cross disciplinary science. Baron's past includes about a decade working as a computer scientist with Boeing and half a decade conducting research with the Air Force Research Laboratory. He is also very active in the Human Factors & Ergonomic Society (HFES) and at times numerous other technology centric organizations such as currently the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer–Human Interaction (SIGCHI). Additionally, he is involved with several charitable organizations. Diversity and inclusion are a priority for Baron. Much like his emphasis on cross disciplinary science, the more diverse influences that can expand one's mind the better. He is particularly active in the Asian American community in Arizona and hopes to become more involved with Scottish American and Native American groups which are also part of his heritage. Baron believes passionately that the pursuit of scientific discovery contributes to the betterment of all mankind. Space exploration affords that opportunity and can be a source of inspiration for others to contribute. Thus, he is a solar system ambassador hoping to ignite public interest and motivate youth to produce a greater emphasis on space exploration and the contributing sciences.