Solar System Ambassadors
Zoe Balaconis
Zoe Balaconis grew up around space enthusiasts. Her father was a naval officer, aerospace engineer, and physicist. Her mother was a scientist and voracious science fiction reader, and her sister grew up to be a science fiction author. Space exploration opened up possibilities for her. It put things in perspective. It imbued in her a constant desire to explore, to learn more, and to stay humble and curious. Prior to working in magazine publishing, Zoe was a high school English teacher where she constantly tried to emphasize the interdisciplinarity inherent in space exploration, and how 'the voyage' and 'the journey' as concepts are what make us human. Though she doesn't work directly in space science or exploration, learning all she can about it brings Zoe ineffable joy that she wants to share. She wants to encourage everyone in her community to look outwards, and look upwards.