Solar System Ambassadors
Dave Falkner

Astronomy and space exploration have been a life-long love of Dave Falkner's. When he was eleven, his father took him to my first planetarium show, and he was hooked. During his teenage years, Dave ground a 6" mirror and built his first telescope. Years later, as a Naval Officer stationed in Monterey, California, he was involved with a local research observatory where I conducted outreach to local schools associated with the return of Halley's Comet. After serving 20 years, he retired from the US Navy and settled in Minnesota with his family. Dave has both Bachelor's and Master's degrees in electrical engineering and has worked as a project manager for a consulting company. He is a member of the Minnesota Astronomical Society (MAS) where he served as president from 2011 through 2014. He has twice taught an introductory astronomy courses at Academy College in Bloomington. Dave enjoys sharing his love of the night sky, teaching others about the wonders of the universe and hearing "Wow!" when they look at objects through telescopes.