Solar System Ambassadors
Mary Vaughn
Mary Vaughn grew up with eight siblings in Michigan and presently resides in Tampa, Florida where she teaches math and science to the academically gifted population at FishHawk Creek Elementary. She attended Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. Mary strives to inspire in her own children and in all students the importance of math and science. She encourages students to work hard and to think about going into the math and science fields. Mary has been teaching for over twenty years and hopes to continue to inspire students for many more years. She is also actively involved as a science trainer in the district of Hillsborough County, Florida and strives to inspire teachers so that they too will inspire their students.|During the Summer of 2008 she was awarded a fellowship, sponsored by Honeywell employees, to attend Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. Mary says this was the best teacher training experience she has ever had along with training at Kennedy Space Station with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter/LCROSS team out of Goddard Space Flight Center in Baltimore, Maryland and the Kepler team based out of Lawrence Hall of Science in California.|SOLAR SYSTEM AMBASSADOR MASTER TEACHER