Solar System Ambassadors
Suzan Bawolek
Suzan graduated from Arizona (Anthropology/museum studies) and Arizona State (M.E.d with a literacy and science focus). She taught 4th-8th grades (including online and instructional coaching) for 14 years before retiring in 2017. She participated in the NASA, AGI, and Arizona State triad for the Earth and Space Science Teacher Leadership Academy. Space exploration and STEM topics were frequently threaded and integrated throughout instructional and PD topics. She has navigated the scientific and cultural worlds with trips to Lowell Observatory, Meteor Crater, Upheaval Dome (UT), prehistoric Chaco Canyon and the VLA (NM); along with the Kennedy and Johnson Space Centers. While at the latter, she witnessed first-hand the term, "batten down the hatches" as the facility prepared for Hurricane Rita in 2003. In honor of the Apollo era, Suzan may share her tattered and yellowed copy of the July 21, 1969 Boston Globe newspaper. |SOLAR SYSTEM AMBASSADOR MASTER TEACHER