Pre-Twentieth Century Western Knowledge of the Sun
Ancient cultures, such as the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Hebrews,
and the Egyptians, made careful observations of the motion
of the sun through the sky. Western philosophers and scientists
have been intrigued with the sun since the days of Athens
and even before. Over recorded history, numerous pronouncements
were made about the sun, and up through the 18th century,
simple astronomical measurements on the sun were carried out
with varying degrees of accuracy.
![Aztec stone calendar](aztec_cal.jpg)
Aztec stone calendar portion
Courtesy: Rene Voorburg |
In the 18th century, remarkable discoveries were being made
about Earth itself, most notably about its age. It was then
widely accepted that the Earth was 6,000 years old, based
on Biblical history as interpreted by Irish scholar Archbishop
James Ussher in 1654. However, in the latter part of the 18th
and then in the 19th century, scientific estimates began to
appear that pushed the age of the Earth up to almost 100,000
years. These estimates began to cause serious concerns about
the means by which the Earth was kept warm for such a long
period of time. For a while it was assumed that the Earth
was formed as a molten ball of rock that was slowly cooling
down. But calculations, most notably those by Sir Isaac Newton,
showed that even if the Earth were formed as a hot molten
ball of iron it would cool to its present temperature in 50,000
to 75,000 years. The question of the source of the Earth's
warmth remained a central problem for all of the 19th and
part of the 20th centuries.
In the 1800s, the problem was further complicated by the
advances of geology coupled with the appearance of Darwin's
theory of the origin of species, published in 1859. The geological
processes that shaped the Earth and the time required for
evolution to have produced life as we know it today required
the Earth and sun to be much older than predicted by the models
of the solar system in use at that time. New intellectual
discoveries were needed in order to solve the puzzle.
Darwin examined
differences among finches in the Galapagos Islands before
proposing the theory of the origin of varied species from
common ancestors in 1859. |
Bust of Charles Darwin at the Ecuadorian naval base
in the Galapagos |
![Large Cactus Finch](FinchLrgCactus.jpg)
Large Cactus Finch |
Warbler Finch
Small Ground Finch |
All images by Robert H Rothman, Rochester Institute
of Technology |
A piece of the solution was provided by the development
of the science of thermodynamics during the latter half of
the 19th century. Of particular importance was the development
of the concept of heat and the idea that energy in its various
forms could be quantified. With these new ideas in hand some
individuals began to wonder about the energy of the sun-where
it came from, how long had it been there, and how long it
would last. Of paramount importance was the realization that
chemical energy in any form was insufficient to keep the sun
going for more than several thousand years. The sun was not
a cooling hot ball of iron, nor was it a gigantic globe of
burning coal. So, if chemistry could not provide an adequate
explanation, could the solar physicists provide a better one?
It was clear that an energy source was needed that would function
for millions and millions of years and provide energy in the
form of heat.
![Meteor impacting the sun](Meteor.jpg)
Meteor impacting the sun
Courtesy: McREL |
The energy source that attracted a large following for many
years centered on the concept of gravity. Initially it was
proposed that the sun could be fueled by meteors falling into
it from outer space. This idea was simple and it had great
initial appeal. If a meteor was drawn into the sun by the
sun's immense gravitational attraction, the kinetic energy
the meteor would be converted to heat when the meteor collided
with the sun, heating both the sun and the remains of the
meteor. Upon further consideration, however, it was realized
that this proposal fell short because there simply were not
enough meteors available, nor was there evidence for the consequent
sizeable increase in solar mass. Lord Kelvin (William Thomson),
a leading researcher and major contributor to the science
of thermodynamics, even proposed that the sun was kept hot
through consuming whole planets, thus releasing their gravitational
energy upon impact with the sun. This proposal also fell short
upon closer inspection, and it was concluded fairly quickly
that the meteoric idea and its modifications were not the
solution to the problem.
![Lord Kelvin](kelvin.jpg)
Lord Kelvin, for whom a temperature scale is named
Courtesy: Univ. of Frankfurt |
Nevertheless, the idea that gravitation played a key role
in maintaining the sun's energy output was too attractive
to be abandoned by many scientists, perhaps because there
were no other current ideas that were more reasonable. For
example, in 1854 H. von Helmholtz proposed that the sun was
gradually contracting and was thus converting gravitational
energy into heat. Helmholtz also suggested that the sun was
initially divided into small rock-like pieces or even dust-like
particles that were spread out in space. These bits of matter
fell inward to what is now the sun's position, releasing their
huge gravitational energy upon colliding to form a very hot
molten ball. Calculations showed that this hot ball would
possess enough stored energy to provide no more than 10 million
years or so of solar output at current rates. Based on his
continued studies of heat flow, the age of the Earth, and
the output of a gravitationally energized sun, Kelvin declared
in 1897 that the age of the Earth and sun was 24 million years.
This figure remained in direct conflict with evolutionary
biology and historical geology, both of which implied a much
greater age for the Earth and the sun. It is ironic to note
that Kelvin, although dogmatic in stating the correctness
of his calculations, hinted that new laws of physics might
someday resolve the problem. It would be another 30 years
before these new laws and phenomena were discovered and applied
to the problem of the energy output and the age of the sun
Twentieth Century Developments
The twentieth century was the beginning of the atomic era.
At the very end of the 19th century, x-rays were discovered,
the Curies discovered radioactivity in uranium minerals, and
evidence that atoms can be subdivided was announced.
![Marie and Pierre Curie in their laboratory](mp_curie.jpg)
Marie and Pierre Curie in their laboratory
Courtesy: University of Frankfurt |
Alpha particles (helium atoms that had lost both their electrons)
were identified, as were beta rays, later shown to be fast
moving electrons. It was established that radioactivity results
from the transformation of atoms of one type of element into
atoms of a different element. It was further learned that
elements release energy through radioactivity. In fact, in
1903 a calculation appeared in which it was shown that of radium in the sun would provide
all of the heat being produced at the solar surface. (Note:
Heat from radioactive sources is often used as a power source
in modern day spacecraft, such as Cassini.) It should be noted,
however, that there is no spectroscopic evidence for the existence
of radium on the sun in this quantity.
The discovery of radioactivity led rather quickly to another
challenge to Kelvin's estimate of the age of the Earth, since
studies of the half-life of uranium in rocks showed that the
Earth must be at least a billion years old. By the 1920s it
was widely accepted that Kelvin's estimate was simply wrong
and that the Earth was a few billion years old. (Current estimates
are that the solar system formed around 4.5 billion years
![Albert Einstein](einstein.jpg)
Albert Einstein
Courtesy: ASU/SERP |
In 1905 Einstein proposed that energy and mass are equivalent,
as expressed through the now-famous equation: .
It became tantalizingly clear that the atom was the key to
an understanding of energy production in the sun and other
![Hans Bethe](bethe.jpg)
Hans Bethe
Courtesy: Univ. of Frankfort |
In the 1920s and 1930s, armed with the new physics and knowledge
of isotopic masses, physicists including Arthur Eddington,
Hans Bethe, Carl von Weizacker, and others, firmly established
that the sun's reservoir of energy is sub-atomic in nature,
thus setting aside forever Kelvin's contraction theory.
![Arthur Eddington](eddington.jpg)
Arthur Eddington
Courtesy: Univ. of Frankfurt |
This also marks the point at which the current Standard Solar
Model began to take shape, a model in which protons collide
within the sun's core, fuse together, and ultimately produce
helium along with energy in the form of photons of light.
Nevertheless, there remained in the 1920s a significant dilemma
for the astrophysicists to solve. The kinetic energy of the
particles in the sun at the temperature Eddington calculated
based on mass and luminosity considerations was too low for
nuclear fusion reactions to occur. The sun at that temperature
simply would not be hot enough to accelerate the protons sufficiently
for them to overcome the strong electrostatic repulsive forces
preventing like charges from approaching each other close
enough to fuse together.
A revolution in understanding was needed. That revolution
turned out to be the development of the quantum theory and
an understanding of the "weird" physics of subatomic particles.
![The wave-particle duality](wp_duality.gif)
The wave-particle duality
Courtesy: McREL |
Two important quantum physics concepts arose in the 1920s
that impacted the solar fusion dilemma. First, the so-called
strong nuclear force was described, which acts only over extremely
short nuclear distances and which, at these distances, could
overwhelm the electrostatic repulsive forces between like-charged
particles such as protons. Second, in the quantum world of
sub-atomic particles such as protons and electrons, wave character
was ascribed to particles. Acting as a wave rather than a
particle confers a certain amount of mysterious uncertainty,
since waves by their very nature are spread out and do not
occupy a definite volume in the same way that particles do.
Armed with these two concepts, it became possible to offer
a reasonable scenario for nuclear fusion in the sun's core
at relatively "low" temperatures. First, if the protons can
ever approach one another closely enough, the nuclear strong
force will overwhelm the electrostatic repulsive force. Second,
if the particles are wavelike in nature, they can "tunnel"
into each other, allowing the particles to get close enough
together for the nuclear strong force to exert itself. It
was soon shown that the energy of the sun might indeed arise
from gluing protons together, even though at that juncture
the chemical composition of the sun was still extremely uncertain.
It was not until the 1930s that scientists using spectroscopic
techniques established beyond a doubt that hydrogen is the
most abundant element in the sun. Nevertheless, it should
be noted that lack of knowledge about the exact composition
of the sun continued to be a roadblock to scientific progress.
It was not until the 1950s that astrophysicists were able
to say with certainty that proton-proton fusion is of utmost
importance in solar energy production.
Contribution of the Genesis Mission
![Artist's rendering of the Genesis mission spacecraft](genesiscraft.jpg)
Artist's rendering of the Genesis mission spacecraft
Courtesy: LMA |
The purpose of the Genesis mission, launched in 2001, is
to collect pure samples of solar wind, both bulk and divided
by production regime, and return them to Earth in 2003 for
analysis. Scientists all over the world will work with portions
of the returned sample, which will be stored in specially-constructed
cleanroom facilities at the Johnson Space Center in Houston,
Texas. They will be particularly interested in establishing
the isotopic abundance ratios for the various elements present
in the solar wind. The results of the Genesis mission will
form a baseline of knowledge about the sun for years to come.