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Stardust Earth Flyby Images - January 15, 2001

Stardust Calibration Image Of The Moon
Stardust Calibration Image Of The Moon

Stardust from Loomberah, Australia
Stardust from Loomberah, Australia

Stardust from Camarillo Observatory, California
Stardust from Camarillo Observatory, California

Stardust from Monterrey Observatory, Mexico
Stardust from Monterrey Observatory, Mexico

Stardust from Hungary
Stardust from Hungary

Stardust Vision Nearly Restored - January 11, 2001

Pre-launch Image of Calibration Lamp
Pre-launch Image of Calibration Lamp

Post-launch Image of Calibration Lamp With Contamination
Post-launch Image of Calibration Lamp With Contamination

Post-launch Image of Calibration Lamp After Camera Heating
Post-launch Image of Calibration Lamp After Camera Heating


Drop Test Photos - February 5, 1998

The Drop Test of the Structural Thermal Model Sample Return Capsule (SRC) was successfully completed February 5, 1998. This test occurred at the Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR) of the USAF Air Combat Command near Salt Lake City. The drop, from a balloon gondola, began at about 13,000 feet on the drogue parachute. The barometric switches triggered the main parachute on-cue at 10,000 ft., the radar reflector was easily picked up and tracked. Telescopes were also used to observe and film the SRC descent. The landing was extremely "soft." Congratulations to the "Heroes of the 'Salt Flats'."

Arriving early morning for Drop Test
Arriving early morning for Drop Test

Checking out the passenger compartment
Checking out the passenger compartment

Unfolding balloon
Unfolding balloon

Preparing balloon for inflation
Preparing balloon for inflation

Almost ready for flight
Almost ready for flight

Ready for take-off
Ready for take-off

Mounting the Structual Thermal Model of the Sample Return Capsule to the balloon
Mounting the Structual Thermal Model of the Sample Return Capsule to the balloon

Now we're really ready to take-off
Now we're really ready to take-off



Capsule after landing (parachute to the right foreground)
Capsule after landing (parachute to the right foreground)

Safety check of capsule
Safety check of capsule

Indentation made by capsule
Indentation made by capsule

End of a successful SRC Drop Test
End of a successful SRC Drop Test

Capsule on ground
Capsule on ground

Capsule on ground
Capsule on ground

Capsule on ground
Capsule on ground

Capsule and balloon
Capsule and balloon

Capsule on ground
Capsule on ground

Transport for the capulse
Transport for the capulse

Capsule in car
Capsule in car




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