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STARDUST Launch Animations

Launch of the STARDUST spacecraft aboard a Delta II rocket on February 7, 1999.

Quicktime Animation (28 MB)

This animation was captured off of NASA TV and runs for 6 minutes. An awesome video showing the launch sequence from countdown through the fairings separation. The highlight of the animation is the video footage from the camera mounted on the second stage Delta II rocket. The animation includes both audio and video.

Need help in running animations? Look here for information on how to setup your browser for animations.

Quicktime (1.0 MB)
Quicktime (4.4 MB)
Quicktime (2.3 MB)
Quicktime (2.0 MB)
Quicktime (5.3 MB)

Different views of the launch from the various cameras scattered about Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral. Video only.

Need help in running animations? Look here for information on how to setup your browser for animations.

Launch Photos Also Available >>

Last Updated: December 29, 2003
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