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Genesis Grams logo Genesis Grams: Ages 11-17
Grams are shown exactly as they were submitted, with class projects listed first, followed by individual entries. Author, teacher, and school names are listed when available.


Class Projects

Barlow Vincent Elementary, 7th Grade
Vincent, OH
Teacher: Josette Boggess

Courtney and Julie

As we begin a new milleunium we desprately need world peace. If we don't make world peace, our earth's children will continue to suffer. Our world needs to get rid of racism because that causes wars.
Summer and Stefani Simple things can make you smile, a child's laugh, sunshine after it rains, or multi-cultural bonding. Always remember the things that make you smile; they are the ones that are most worthwhile.
Jessica & Dannielle Think about the advances we've made in space technology. In our lifetime, we will visit the moon and Mars. The adventure is just beginning!
By: Stephanie & Karyn As we enter the millenium, we should strive towards world peace. Many people die, but for what? Nothing. We need to stop all wars, bring peace to this war-torn world, and help society through mutual understanding.
Josh & Kaleena People need to treat animals like they would treat other human beings. One way that will help is to stop killing animals just for their fur and tusks. Mankind's vanity is not worth the extinction of entire species.
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