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Genesis Grams logo Genesis Grams: Ages 11-17
Grams are shown exactly as they were submitted, with class projects listed first, followed by individual entries. Author, teacher, and school names are listed when available.


Class Projects

St. Catherine of Alexandria, 7th & 8th Grade, Riverside, CA
Teacher: Michelle Mock

Christie, Amber, Mallorie, Christina, Tawnya, Elizabeth, and Amanda


Esperamos que haya mās amor, paz y seguridad en el mundo. [We hope that we have more love, peace and safety in the world.]

Natalie, D'Javan, Ryan, Rachel


¿Hablan espaøol lejos de la tierra? Para conocer la respuesta, alcanza a las estrellas. [Do aliens speak Spanish? To find out, reach for the stars.]
Erica and Kristle ¿Hay alli en el gran universo, alguiŗn o algo que piensa en nuestra existencia como nosotros pensamos en ellos? [Is there someone or something in the grand universe wondering about us?]
Adam El principio de vida es una enigma. [Life's beginning is a puzzle.]
Patricia, Celia and Ellen Hay allÕ una olla de oro; solamente necesitas buscarla. [There's a pot of gold out there; you just have to look.]
Heather and Breanne Dejanos dejar a un lado nuestras diferencias, asi unidos podemos descubrir: PAUR - Paz, Amor, Unidad, Respecto [Let us put aside our differences so we may discover as one: PLUR - Peace, Love, Unity, Respect.]
Ashley La tierra es precioso y nostros necesitamos protegerla. [The Earth is precious and we need to protect it.]
Alisse Sigan sonriendo porque a mi no me gusta ver la tristeza. [Keep smiling because I don't like to see sadness.]
Danielle Blink 182 me hace sonreir! [Blink 182 makes me smile!]
Nick, Clarence, Raljay and Kory Para el futuro, nosotros esperamos que haya paz mundial. [For the future, we hope that there will be world peace.]
Chris, Armando and Joey No importa que instrumento usamos, el mejor es la educaciŅn. [No matter what tool you use, the best is education.]
Paul, Michael and Jonny Vivir y aprender. [Live and learn.]
Robert and Corey A veces me pregunto, ¿porquŗ estamos aqui? Estamos aqui para amar y cuidar. [Sometimes I wonder why we are here. We are here to love and care.]
Tagalog/Spanish/English Rachelle and Ashley Ang kaibigan natunay ay hindi tinitignan sa suot mo kung-di sa pagkatao mo. Un amigo verdadero no te juzga por tu aspecto, sino te acepta como eres. [A true friend does not judge you by your looks, but accepts you as you are.]
Ryan Un pensamiento que me hace sonreir es fĪtbol. [A thought that makes me happy is football.]
Tara and Kelly Todo en la vida me hace sonreir. [Everything in life makes me smile.]
Priscilla I wish that we have world peace and safe environments. Yo deseo que tengamos paz mundial y un ambiente seguro.
Marina and Krystal Su vida es igual a una flor, los pŗtalos igual a los dÕas. Viva cada dÕa, no sabemos cuāl serā el Īltimo. [Your life is like a flower, the petals are the days. Live each day to the fullest, you don't know which will be your last.]
Timmy and Mike La gente no debe matar el uno al otro. Hasta la vista. Paz! [People should not kill people. Until we meet again. Peace!]
Stephanie Un amigo te hace sonreir cuando estās solo. [A friend can make you smile when you are all alone.]
Erzsi Todos son muy listos. Lo listo que eres depende de ti. [Everyone is very smart. How smart you become depends on yourself.]
Jason El mundo es muy bello y fabuloso. [The Earth is very beautiful and fabulous.]
Nicole Demuestra el amor a otros. [Show love to others.]
Todd I love nature. It is beautiful. [Yo amo a la naturaleza. Es muy hermoso.]
Chris MĪsica puede calmar el alma y curar sus problemas. [Music and calm the soul and cure your problems.]
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