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Genesis Grams logo Genesis Grams: Ages 11-17
Grams are shown exactly as they were submitted, with class projects listed first, followed by individual entries. Author, teacher, and school names are listed when available.


Class Projects

Muskego, WI

A Thought For Space
A Thought For The Earth
A Thought To Live By
A Thought To Make You Smile
There is so much about it that earthlings want to know.
We know that there is so much out in space that we don't know about.
Always put your mind to something and then you will be able to do it. Going to a concert or sports-entertainment of some kind.
Ryan     You can do anything, if you put your mind to it.  
The research to discover new discoveries.
Peace on Earth.
Follow your dreams and become them in the future. Smile more cause lives are short.
All work together and make something and find out if there are other life forms in space.
All people respect each other,and are kind to everyone. Making mistakes can help you succeed in the future. Not to take life so seriously and have fun and make jokes.
If you shoot for the moon and miss you'll still be with the stars.
Clean and treat the Earth for the future as you would like it now. Life is never fair but do onto others as you would want them to do to you. Pass on a simple smile and you'll make a million other people's day
There are unlimited amounts of chances to discover things.
If you work together anything is possible. Cures, peace,and more knowledge.   Anything is achievable.
Allyson When you feel like giving up keep going, in the end you will be very happy and proud of yourself. People should show respect for each other and no one would feel hurt or left out anymore Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear by and the blind can see by. Always remember to stick a pear in your ear.
Ericka If you shoot for the moon and miss you'll still be with the stars! When you die yourself gets printed in the world. Good, better, best, never let it rest until the good becomes better and the better becomes best. Smiles are contagious!
Brittony It would be great if everyone get together to find another life from on the moon, then competing. Everyone would pitch in and stop polluting. No one should give up. If you'd see everyone compremissling.
Ayisha Space never ends and reminds me of "The Never Ending Story". The earth spins round and round to create dizziness. Live for your destiny Another smile makes many smiles.

Space is a vast eerie darkness that never leaves your backyard.

The Earth is a blue, churning sappire amidst the vast reaches of the galaxy. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Knowing you made a difference in life.
Hannah Find the unknown. Stop starvation and fighting. There's nothing you can't do it you try. No one says dreams can't come true.
Evan The earth looks like a blue berry. Space looks like a never ending world. You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. That you are the only living thing in space and that you look down on earth like god.
Phylicia All countries should work together to explore new world's and galaxies.. When we all get together and stop polluting. What goes around comes around. When we all accept what race we are & accept what race other people are & all try to get along.
Beth We should stop throwing stuff where ever there is room or space will be distroyed. Peace should be spread through out the world. Treat others as you would like to be treated. When times are rough make someone smile.
Anthony We should work with others. We should treat the earth with respect Treat each other with respect. We should be friends and not enemies.
Andy The universe is never ending. There is so much to explore. We should try not to pollute the Earth; try to educate everyone and to have world peace. Nothing is impossible if you don't think it is, work hard, try hard and you will succeed. To fulfil your dreams and to see your friends fulfil their dreams too.
Randy The last fronteir and possibly our last chance for salvation. A shiny blue jewel amist the infinits of space. You can do anything you set your mind to but only if you try. Think of the happiest memory of you life.
Tina Research to find the unknown. Take care of our world it could help in the future. Don't dwell on the past, focus on the present and look forward to the future. Everyday is a new beginning, so it gives you the chance to start over.
Amy Keep it space.   Be yourself and try your best at everything you do because you are the best. Everyones special and unique in their own way.
Collean That there was unlimited research. I would like no more violence on earth. Anything and everything is possible when you try hard. Everyone has a guardian angel with them.
Ali You can never know everything about space. People could make peach one day. Always have a dream, anything is possible. Everyone makes mistakes, so cheer up if you do
Christine There would be unlimited knowledge for space. I hope that people would work together. That there is nothing you can't do if you put your mind to it. That everyday is a new day.
Whitney There's so much space, why don't we use it? You die, the Earth goes on so take care of it while you can. Believe in yourself and you will succeed. Less than 50 yeas ago, the first person walked on the moon. That's an amazing accomplishment.
Anna Travel farther and learn more. Stop gun violence Treat others as you would want them to treat you. One day we will all get along and live in harmony together.
Anna All nations will get together and work, Everyone will get along and don't fight. Everyone will treat people how they want to be treated. Don't take everything serious and take more things as jokes.
Garrett If we, the poeple, support the space unit maybe they could go to new lengths. Make sure that we keep it clean. Think that if you put your mind to it you can do anything. Think of something in your life that makes you very happy.
Natalie The universe consists of many life forms. Take care of it. Poeple can die but the Earth will go on forever. A child's dream could become the Earth's future. Everyones special in their own special way.
John Discover and not ruin the other planets. Stop littering. The Golden Rule. Clowns.
John Space is man's biggest mystery. Earth is home keep it clean. Life is short, fulfil your dreams. Failure is the first step to succeeding.
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