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A THOUGHT FOR SPACE Genesis Grams: Ages 18 and Over
Grams are shown exactly as they were submitted. Authors are listed when available.




Jacob Wilson
Cabot, AR USA
We come in peace and to be friends with you earthlings.
Andros Nikolaidis
Aviano Roveredo ITALY
"We are nothing but a sneeze in a complex Universe" -Unknown .
Thomas Milde
Bad Aussee Styria AUSTRIA
For centuries, mankind has ventured into the unknown. Exploration is our main incentive for living.
Doug Evans
Bloomington, IN USA
Our Univers is a big place. Where almost any thing could happen.
Kyle Roberts
Chelmsford, MA USA
Earth isn't forever. Only by expanding beyond we find hope through knowledge that we are forever.
Michael Collins
Christchurch NEW ZEALAND
You are the great teacher! Would that we are worthy students!
Kholter Hunt
Claremore, OK USA
"Forgivness is the key, so why not come with me, on a holy comet ride to the next galaxy!!!!!"
Nigel Gibson
Cloncurry Queensland AUSTRALIA
I would hope that the people of Earth unite together for peace and the Exploration of space.
Ladonna Goutreaux
Denham Springs, LA USA
I love you Lord, My Father!
Katie Eck
Denver, CO USA
Solar Understanding Now
Adam Vidoni
Denver, CO USA
This soon, will be our place.We soon shall exist here, existing among nothing, yet among everything
Ajax of Salamis
Downingtown, PA USA
Ajax was here
John Price
Durant, OK USA
We are truly living in a time where science fiction becomes science fact!
Ronald Baker
Fayetteville, AR USA
When shall we reach for space? Why do we have to wait? I so wish to see it now, oh why can't I? .
Ryan Clark
Fort Smith, AR USA
i would like to got to the Marz mission
Jeremy Mika
Fremont, CA USA
I've spent all my life trying to get here.
Shane Thompson
G glendale, AZ USA
Where ever you go, there you are!
George Ward III
Grand Rapids, MI USA
I dream of the day humankind will bridge the great expanse of space
Brad Swasey
Hollis, ME USA
Beautiful, Vast, Majestical, Not Alone, Mysterious, Awe-Inspiring, Eternal, Waiting To Be Explored.
Rebecca Plumtree
Hull Yorkshire UK
Is space going to be clotted up for when we all eventually have chance to get up their???
Karey Bakker
Jacksonville, FL USA
It is my one true passion to explore the space that exists as I lift my eyes toward the stars!
Artem Panteleev
Kiev Kiev Region UKRAINE
The matter from the times of the Solar System`s formation now attempts to understand its roots !
Mauston, WI USA
to explore the final frontier....
Derek Horner
Notre Dame, IN USA
The only truth that we know to be fact is that we exist. Every other answer lies waiting for us
Joseph Barney
Ogden, UT USA
Conquer the world within so you can see the world without.
Edward Breesch
Overijse BELGIUM
Today a good friend of mine died in a car crash. Now he flies between the stars, take care of him.
Christopher Moore
Overland, MO USA
Nothing is so firmly believed as what is least known
Bradley Loomis
Palouse, WA USA
I capture life so we may understand.
Arturo Chen
We've been so alone for so long and didnt realized that we've each other to end being alone
Chris Bullock
Perth W. Australia AUSTRALIA
Good luck with everything
Symeon Papa-Adams
Perth W. Australia AUSTRALIA
I would really love to see what space is like outside the atmosphere.I would like to see Jupiter.
Ivana Vandovà
I am a poor poet,I am a radar under trees.I am not here to answer but to ask: Do you hear me, Space?
Martin Runciman
Prestonpans East Lothian UK
Let this craft dance gracefully through the stars,taking with it a permenant mark of our existance
Paul Roberts
Rochdale Greater Manchester UK
catch this thought whence high-rise constructions obscure the disc of the setting sun: Is there life in the solar system beyond star51?
Marion Thompson
Rockledge, FL USA
We must continue forward - the Genesis of Future worlds will be amazing to see!
Tony Gonzalez
Sevilla SPAIN
Graham Sandison
Tynemouth Tyne and Wear UK
For the none-believers..We will reach the farthest star one day and who knows who'll return with us
Anthony Salak
Verona, PA USA
Space is the last frontier left to be explored for the people of Earth
Max Katz
Woodland Hills, CA USA
We're not perfect, but we're trying to be better.
Joaquim Marneca
Almeirim Ribatejo PORTUGAL
Citizens of space,open your gates,our hearts are open. Our gates are open, open your hearts!
Irene PÑ Marneca
Almeirim Ribatejo PORTUGAL
Sun Godess Marici, have marici(mercy) of us! Long live you! God bless your Sun!

Steve Vosnakis
Arlington, MA USA

We will travel space in body and realize that our sprits have always belonged in the heavens
Peter West
Arlington, VA USA
Solar Particles Aid Chemical Enlightenment
Inge Gorremans
Boechout Antwerpen BELGIUM
Keep space clean, so that when I look up I can still see something that seems untouched by mankind
James Mercanti
Burlington, MA USA
From one small blue planet, we send our greetings in hopes to expand our reach and understanding.
Lloyd Verhage
Caldwell, ID USA
First we send our machines, then we send ourselves. Space is our heritiage.
Juàrez Hector
Ciudad de M³xico, M³xico D.F MEXICO
Hace 15 mil millones de aøos estuvimos unidos en el origen, ahora tendremos la fortuna de encontrarnos otra vez. La casualidad es muy grande para creer en ella. No perdamos esta Ïltima oportunidad que nos da la vida de volver al origen de la vida
Dean Saitow
Evans, GA USA
Please do not be to quick to judge or people for there are many who do not belive. dean 3,18,2000
Jos³ Manuel De Barros Dias
Let's explore the Universe, in order to improve the quality of life of all of us!
Mark McLaughlin
Honeoye Falls, NY USA
Let us circle 'round the fire of our birth and gather stories of ourselves from its flames...
Greg Graeff
Los Angeles, CA USA
we are all apart of the quest for the consciences of the universe.....glad you could be here!
Chris Zehnle
Lakewood, CO USA
Earth below us only to come back with more questions than we have answers. Ahhhh, science!
Terry Brandhorst
League City, TX USA
Wondering About Future? Explore, Report
Emperor Zorgos
Los Angeles, CA USA
Tom Hancock
Madison, AL USA
As we explore the solar system with all its wonder, lets never forget the uniqueness of our planet.
Terry Lipinski
Merritt Island, FL USA
Worship the sun and the glorious stars!
Marc Gervais
Morrisburg Ontario CANADA
Fragile notes combine to gain strength. Let the Human Symphony ring through the silence of space.
Bruce Fischer
Ogden, UT USA
For the future I hope the human race from this earth will explore space in peace.
Wayne Boody
Old Orchard Bch., ME USA
Bryan Palaszewski
Olmsted Falls, OH USA
I hope that in the future, we will travel in space as easily as we move about our planet today
Artemus Taylor
Osteen, FL USA
If the stars could speak, I believe that they would say, "Shine as bright today"
Craig Robinson
Para Vista S. Australia AUSTRALIA
In the Creation of a Spacefaring Civilisation with Communities beyond Earth, I hope to be there
Helen Hoffses,
Portland, ME USA
Giving Energy Never Ending. Such Is Sun.
Maureen McDonough
Portland, ME USA
Earth - Third planet from the Sun Man's home
Kerry Miller
Shelbyville, IN USA
May Genesis live up to its name and provide us with clues to our universe and ultimately ourselves.
Casey Lisse
Silver Spring, MD USA
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish!
Rahul Goswami
Away from our home With peace we greet you Visit, or just say 'Hello'
Daren Jessip
Sioux Falls, SD USA
When I die, teach me everything, then please gently guide my spirit home, Wherever home may be.
R. Mark Elowitz
Socorro, NM USA
Reach for the sky, reach for the Moon, because if you miss you'll still be there among the stars.
Kay Tracy
Stockton, CA USA
I don't think we're alone in this universe. We really can be good neighbors! Drop by and say hi!
Sue Kovios
Toronto Ontario CANADA
A smile can lite 1000 stars, so lite the way for our race, take our smiles into space.
Lee Marshall
Wheat Ridge, CO USA
Nous sommes du soleil (We are of the sun).
Victor Gelfo
Zabbar MALTA
Space is infinite.There must be millions of life forms in the infinite universe.
Chankar or PÑ,Chalini or Irene
Om,peace,spiritual elevation of all beings in all galaxies for the equilibrium of the Universe.
John Mostowski
Elgin, IL USA
I believe that everything we do takes us one step closer to reaching the stars.
James Barton
Forest Hill, MD USA
I wonder if love is an experience similar for all beings, or are there higher forms in the universe.
Michael Monsivais,(for my daughters, Heather and Kate)
Gray, ME USA
The great adventure that is there, in space, is waiting for us all. We need only to strive to reach it...Genesis means a "beginning"..for the people of the Earth that beginning starts with a dream. We have started upon the great journey to the stars with a dream..and thro that dream we will reach for the Heavens...and journey to other planets..and by doing so, the Earth becomes United.
Nancy Tashima
Kailua-Kona, HI USA
In memory of the Challenger crew with aloha from the Astronaut Ellison S. Onizuka Space Center.
Carelyn Parr
Litteton, CO USA
May the result of our space exploration mirror what we also find within.
Paul Perencevic
Long Beach, CA USA
dear neighbors , please teach us how to be better neighbors, to you and to our fellow earthlings
Jerry Lipman
Merritt Island, FL USA
The legacy of our humanity is forever to reach outward for new worlds, forever to pursue the stars.
Jerry Dalton
Naperville, IL USA
It amazes and awes me to think that we are all the stuff of stars, an integral part of the universe.
Phill Parker
Newcastle-under-Lyme Staffordshire UK
The year ? 1961. The place? Planet Earth. The events? Mankind takes his first space flights beyond the atmosphere of his own planet. Mankind has become an extra-terrestial and will boldly explore the cosmos leaving his cradle behind him. One day - maybe soon - mankind will make contact with other extra-terrestial beings. These Genesis Grams are just a small but important step toward that goal of making contact out in space.
Raymond Peterson
Newtown, CT USA
Although it will leave no trail in space, Genesis will set a path to better understanding the universe
Michael Selkin
Phippsburg, ME USA
1PRINT "n"; 2FOR J=1 TO 1000 3PRINT "i" 4NEXT J 5PRINT "ght"; 6PRINT 7PRINT "daie" 8END
John Cole
Portland, ME USA
What is happening across all that space and time, to see if its real without having to travel there.
William Aebi
Steep Falls, ME USA
The goodness of mankind is a miracle to behold.
Jessica Williamson
Surrey, British Columbia CANADA
May the solar winds be fair And fill our hearts with stars.
Tony Schoenfelder
Washington, DC USA
Where once we sailed the boundless oceans of air and water, we now sail the emptiness of space.
Themia Raymond
Westbrook, ME USA
We are all one,part of a great universal hold we cannot understand,love,rejoice,aid and share.
John Kribs
Windsor Ontario CANADA
Human Beings are a virus destroying the environment of this planet.
Sally Mitchell
Fort Lauderdale, FL USA
New truths are delicious!
Dorothy Kimball
Gray, ME USA
Soar to unravle God's mysteries created on Genesis Dorothy Kimball
Merritt Island, FL USA
May all who venture into space, return healthy!
Merritt Island, FL USA
Bring Peace and Love. Not only to the world we know, but to the whole Universe!
Merritt Island, FL USA
There would be no genesis mission if there were not a creator! God is Love!
Betty Racz
Mesa, AZ USA
"God saw everything He had made, And it was very good." Genesis 1:31
Douglas Hutton
Orleans, MA USA
God is Great.
Donald Hoffses
Portland, ME USA
Gigantic Endeavor, Nasa Enters Sunspace. Incredible Success!
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