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A THOUGHT TO MAKE YOU SMILE Genesis Grams: Ages 18 and Over
Grams are shown exactly as they were submitted. Authors are listed when available.




Matthew Patrick Huck
Albuquerque, NM USA
There is no owners manual for the human brain.
Kirsty White
Birmingham ENGLAND
going out with my mates
Amanda Burdette
Boerne, TX USA
"Wherever you go, there you are." I'm going to make a difference, and people WILL be proud of me.
Ryan Szekeres
Chicago, IL USA
Kitties are squishy and cute!
Alexander Cherkassky
"Don't forget to check my existence in 2003" - diary entry
Paulo Afonso
Lisboa Lisboa PORTUGAL
: because stars Smile every night, your eyes shine every morning;because you exist,life is better
joÜo Carvalho
Send my regards to Elvis!
Bill & Sue Mumaw
Littleton, CO USA
Yee Haw & Giddie up the Mumaws are in space! And we hope they at least serve lunch on this flight!
Chris Reed
N.Hollywood, CA USA
Chris and Felisa Reed forever!
Nathan Wilson
Pennington Wigan ENGLAND
If everyone took time out to make each other smile then the world would be a better place.
Jose Costa
SÜo Carlos SÜo Paulo BRAZIL
Eu, Roberto, minha esposa Flora e nosso amado gatinho Pipoca enviamos sauda­Ýes ao espa­o sideral!
Michelle Krasniak
St. Bonaventure, NY USA
Try not to frown, because you never know who's falling in love with your smile.
Mamiko Nakagawa
Chicago, IL USA
No matter where you go, There you are.
Laura Naughton
Fryeburg, ME USA
When you think you are alone, REMEMBER there are always warm memories to keep you company!
Robert Laverghetta
Laurel, MD USA
Genesis has performed an illegal operation, and will be shutdown.
Tom Hancock
Madison, AL USA
Once you've made it to orbit, your halfway to any point in the solar system - in terms of energy.
Anne Larkin
I would like to have sung Abba,But why bemoan my fate,I couldn't,I was Bjorn TooLate
Mark Allen
Norfolk, VA USA
There's not much to say;We must look at the past to find what is in store. GOD BLESS! PS. WE CAN!
Christopher Leigh
St Andrews, Fife SCOTLAND
Everyone brings joy to this house Some when they leave And some when they enter
Terri Gipson
St. Louis, MO USA
Can't Avoid The Capture Helicopter
Sue Kovios
Toronto Ontario CANADA
May the solar wind fly up 'yer kilt.
Jan Panteltje
Experiencing bliss leads to knowing the soul.
Susan & Charles Walker
Annandale, VA USA
Look at this! Our words went millions of miles into space, and came back. When can we do the same?
Michael Martin
Grant, FL USA
lets us have the intelligence to chuckle and not take it all so serious!
Jerry Lipman
Merritt Island, FL USA
Mankind's spirit will rest content only when we have attained our oldest dream: the stars.
John Hall
Shelby Twp, MI USA
If found, please return to third planet (locally known as Earth).
John Kribs
Windsor Ontario CANADA
Advice to the class of '99... Wear sunscreen...
Merritt Island, FL USA
Friend or Family - You are my friend!
Robert Larsen
Merritt Island, FL USA
Keep hamburgers cheap!
Dot Kish
Merritt Island, FL USA
Smile and the whole world smiles with you! Weep and you weep alone.
Jennie Leadlay
Merritt Island, FL USA
Space - I'm not sure I'll go until the Lord takes me!
Evelyn Sprinkle
Merritt Island, FL USA
I'm thankful to be alive at 91 years of age! So much has happened over the course of these years!
Melvin Dweeberman
Middltown, US argentina
The sun is gunna blow up.
Nancy Cuevas
Pasadena, CA USA
Every soul is Asking for answers Regarding the Truth that lies in space hovering over us to find the answers on how the solar system was created and search for the truth that will uncover the mystery of our neverending universe.
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