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A THOUGHT TO LIVE BY Genesis Grams: Ages 18 and Over
Grams are shown exactly as they were submitted. Authors are listed when available.




Matej Dobre
The world looks better with smile on my face.
Matthew Patrick Huck
Albuquerque, NM USA
Forgetting the Golden Rule will only hurt yourself.
Matthew Patrick Huck
Albuquerque, NM USA
Apathy, greed, narsissism, and Lack of empathy are all forms of mental retardation.
James Dunning
Arclid Cheshire GREAT BRITAIN
Every new encounter should be welcomed with a smile!
Andy Burbine
Bedford, NH USA
Having a dream that you don't pursue, Is like buying an ice cream cone. And watching it melt.
Phil Bonner
Bloomington, IN USA
Don't ask how life is treating me. Life doesnt treat me, I treat myself to it.
Robert Elves
Campbell River BC CANADA
When faced with a problem, focus on the solution, not the problem.
Sarah Feagles
Canton, OH USA
You can't turn back the clock, but you can always wind it up again.
Dustin Wible
Chambersburg, PA USA
Never take anyone for granted because they may not always be there
Catheryne Green
College Station, TX USA
Seize the hour, seize the day, seize the moment. It is your destiny.
Jason Schmier
Colorado Springs, CO USA
Humans are ... logically incoherent, semantically incomprehensible, and legally ... impeccable!
Jenny Weimer
Douglasville, GA USA
Eyes are the windows to the soul. When someone looks into yours what do they see in your soul?
Zeeshan Sheikh
La-ila ha illalho Muhammadan Rasullilah Aliyun Waliyula Wa kalifathawho bila fasl
Sam Beckley
Fairfield, IA USA
prakritim svam abistabya visrijami punah punah curving back on my own nature,I create again & again
Melissa Moon
Glendora, CA USA
Some day I will be a millionaire...just wait and see!!1
Kristin Wort
Greer, SC USA
Astronaut Deke Slayton: "Decide what you want to do, and then never give up until you've done it."
Umit Sonal
Kaan Istanbul TURKEY
Consciousness is the most valuable thing that can be found in universe.
John Havard
Jackson, MS USA
Spam is bad. Remember that. If you don't, you'll have an angry sys admin yelling at you.
Gilbert Roberts III
Lagrange, KY USA
Small Potatos make a steak look bigger.
Lawrence Baitland
League City, TX USA
little bit of rudeness and disrespect can... ...add drama to an otherwise dull day. -Calvin
Calle Lennartsson
Lùderup SkÎÎne SWEDEN
Carpe Di³m
Jenny Beschizza
The greatest philosophy of life I ever heard was that you only live once
Matthew Pearson
Love is a verb, Kindness is a verb. Don't just sit there, you have the power to make a better world.
Ben Hallert
Los Angeles, CA USA
Universe, I exist! My life is an imperceptible flash in the dark, but I have existed! I have lived!
Alon Malachi
Los Angeles, CA USA
No matter how different we seem on the outside. We are all the same inside.
James Fenn
Loughton Essex ENGLAND
Wisdom comes not with age, but with experience derived from challenging circumstances.
Sam Etler
Madison, WI USA
As we journey to the 21st century, we should look both inwards to ourselves, and outwards to the stars, and to the future.
Liane Wakefield
Madison, FL USA
We are star dust...let us shine!
Russell Fricia
Marysville, MI USA
Truth is many-sided.
Elizabeth John
McLean, VA USA
In order to love another person, you must first learn to love yourself.
Jeffrey Bain
Memphis, TN USA
Some doors closed to you could prompt neighbors to open their own and invite you in.
Joe Biles
Mineral Wells, TX USA
Treat a person like a human being. It gets results.
Geraldo Daniel Medrano Rocha
Monterrey Nuevo LeÑn MEXICO
If the women were good, God would have one.
Leonides Martinez-de-la-Cruz
Naucalpan MEXICO
Life is music.
Christopher Green
Northridge, CA USA
Thanks for the memories Genesis!
Alex Stutin
Oviedo, FL USA
Life is peachy!
Peter Barton
Phoenix, AZ USA
Material possesions are not needed to gain eternal happiness
Thinus du Plooy
Pretoria Gauteng SOUTH AFRICA
Even immortals die
Nicholas Criddle
Richland, WA USA
Motivation must come from within, for those who lack it usually end up without
Sharon Rishon Le Friedman
By observing we can learn more than by turning away from what we don't trust or understand
Christopher Starr Randall
Salt Lake City, UT USA
Optimists see it 1/2 full. Pessimists see it 1/2 empty. I see a glass containing 50% of capacity.
Hugo Puertas de AraÏjo
SÜo Bernardo do Campo, SÜo Paulo BRAZIL
La plej grava afero en tuta universo estas ami la personojn kiel ni amas sin mem kaj lerni senhalte.
Doraemon Chan B K
Out to the world of the future. Will life be ever more than what it seems.
Thiru Sel
Toronto Ontario CANADA
We may only be school children in universe, we have the mind capacity and strength to do anything.
Neal Crow
Tulsa, OK USA
Seek God first and He'll take care of everything else.
Natasha Shurshikova
Tyumen Western Siberia RUSSIA
Paul van Beers
Udenhout Noord-Brabant THE NETHERLANDS
My Genesis: Cor van Beers, child of Cornelis and Johanna husband of Wilma, father of Ruud en Paul
Adam Held
Ventnor City, NJ USA
Stanley Joyce
Victorville, CA USA
Never stop loving, learning and having fun.
Davide Sylvester
Watertown, MA USA
Do onto others as you wont them to do onto you
Jacqueline Hawkett
Adelaide South Australia AUSTRALIA
memories are like a filing cabinet. always there.
Wesley Willis
"no matter where you go, there you are...".
Andrew Campbell
Bensalem, PA USA
Fortune favors the bold
Thomas Quesnell
Bettendorf, IA USA
Dream it, Believe it, and Do it with confidence in yourself.
Victor Habbick
Glasgow Scotland UNITED KINGDOM
Don't live the dream create the dream.
Debra Henry
Harriman, TN USA
Priase/Love/Prayer God, Father of Light
Christ, Savior Holy Spirit/Comfort God's grace! Amen
Robert Gedies
Houston, TX USA
Lord, I desire to do and to endure all things today for the love of you.
John McNamara
Lebanon, PA USA
Be true to yourself.
Armando Ortega
Imagination is the highest kite one can fly. --Lauren Bacall
John Kross
Lincoln University, PA USA
Carpe Diem, Genesis!!
Dave Gingerich
Littleton, CO USA
Swimming the same deep water as you is hard. The shallow drowned lose less than we.
Alison Zehnle
Littleton, CO USA
Imagination is intelligence having fun. I am so proud to be a part of this exciting mission.
Tom Hancock
Madison, AL USA
The exploration of space should always be for the betterment of all humanity
Tom Hancock
Madison, AL USA
First steps are always the longest!
Terry Lipinski
Merritt Island, FL USA
This new millenium will bring positive messages about the goodness/love in Nursing Homes.
Lou Romig
Miami, FL USA
Nobody is better than me, but I am no better than anyone else.
Pierre A Renaud
Montreal Quebec CANADA
Space teaches that life is infinitely precious and rare, to be treated with respect and dignity.
Susannah Halweg
Pasadena, CA USA
The people close in your heart are like stars . . . they light your life with infinite space.
Mark Abbott
Phoenix, AZ USA
Only by accepting and loving everyone for who they are can we ever attain universal coexistence.
Declan and Deborah Donnelly
Rockland, ME USA
Earth, a good place to live.
Patrick Yuschenkoff
San Francisco, CA USA
Life is 10% history and 90% mystery - Enjoy it !
San Jose, CA USA
Whether you think you can, or think you can't, either way you're right. Henry Ford
William Emanuelsen
San Pedro, CA USA
"I am made from the dust of the stars and the oceans flow in my veins." -- Rush, "Presto"
Keith Touzin
Santa Monica, CA USA
All wars are waged by politicians, not people.
Lee Dmitri
Time has a beginning and an end. What is important is what happened in between. God is great.
Daren Jessip
Sioux Falls, SD USA
What color is the sole? Since nobody knows, why do we judge people by the color of skin?
Ken Cook
Westbrook, ME USA
We are the people of Earth a need to find, and a destiny to discover.
Gloria Perez
Winter Park, FL USA
I hope to meet my true love in this lifetime...
Makala Wilson
Woodstock Ontario CANADA
Who I am, Makes A Difference In This World.
Eric Westrope
Yakima, WA USA
Though it may take years the search for knowledge will always be rewarded
Charles Walker
Annandale, VA USA
Just words. But gone so distant. Now returned, they're the same. We're different.
Norm Kiefer Jr.
Aurora, CO USA
Treat all people the way you would like to be treated.
Michael & Jinky Gardner
Berkeley, CA USA
Peace, Diversity, Opportunity to all.
Stephen Rebro
Bettendorf, IA USA
Don't look back, they may be gaining on you
Roy Baker
Chino, CA USA
We tell our children to act like adults and if you watch the news you will see that they are.
Eric Hovemeyer
Cincinnati, OH USA
There are no uncaused events!
Michelle Mock
Corona, CA USA
Everything we do touches another in some way. Touch in a positive way to create a better tomorrow.
Randy McIntyre
Davenport, IA USA
Morals, It's all about choices- Make yours wisely !!
Gilbert Yanow
Diamond Bar, CA USA
Carry out research with Honesty, Integrity and Passion-be "HIP".
Hank Tweedy
Edmonton Alberta CANADA
Don't look back,but forward to your destiny, you can not change what was but what is and will be.
Pat Watts
Lexington, KY USA
Always look up and forward.
Roman Katamay
Los Osos, CA USA
May we know who we really are.
Jerry Lipman
Merritt Island, FL USA
Mickey Schmidt
Monument, CO USA
A legacy for your children is a "good" name and an appreciation for family reputation and respect.
John Prygrocki
Naples, FL USA
If you believe Jesus is Lord and God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9,10
Rosy Dixon
New York City, NY USA
Take a minute each day to judge your affect on the lives of those you have met. Try to improve.
Allison VanderLinden
New Gloucester, ME USA
God created you You are very special God loves you & has a great life for you Seek God above all
Donna Stutin
Orlando, FL USA
Face each day with a smile.
Lewis Perdue
Riceboro, GA USA
Quote From W.Clemit Stone "What the mind can conceive and belive it can achieve."
Gina Waterhouse
Scarborough, ME USA
Cumberland Smile every day Laugh out loud Help without being asked Love yourself Allow yourself to be loved
Steven Sterry
Whittier, CA USA
There is no god beside thee, Thy strength, the source of righteousness; On thy mercy, we depend
John Kribs
Windsor Ontario CANADA
Face piles of trials with smiles.
Andrew G. Kotulic
York, PA USA
The motto,"Practice Safe Computing",Should not be forgotten when we leave the Earth.
Ruth Ann Kross
Lincoln University, PA USA
I love my family and am glad to send this message to the stars.
Anne Lange
Merritt Island, FL USA
Prayer works!
Dot Kish
Merritt Island, FL USA
Let there be a spiritual awakening all over the world!
Dot Kish
Merritt Island, FL USA
When there is a will, there is a way!
Merritt Island, FL USA
Help one person today!
Edna Atkins
Merritt Island, FL USA
Teach children to preserve our History!
Merritt Island, FL USA
Trust the Lord - he is your friend!
Merritt Island, FL USA
Practice what you preach!
Merritt Island, FL USA
Let your conscience be your guide!
Merritt Island, FL USA
Making friends and sharing is most important!
Merritt Island, FL USA
Always have a good attitude, it encourages others to have one too!
Merritt Island, FL USA
Smile, it doesn't cost you anything!
Merritt Island, FL USA
Respect your elders!
J. Wilson
Merritt Island, FL USA
Save your money!
Merritt Islan,d FL USA
Learn to be independent!
Edna Atkins
Merritt Island FL USA
Do unto others as they would do unto you!
Helen Resta
Merritt Island, FL USA
Happiness is having a lot of good friends!
Barbara Marshall
Wheatridge, CO USA
What a difference it can make if we choose to live courageously.
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