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A THOUGHT FOR THE EARTH Genesis Grams: Ages 18 and Over
Grams are shown exactly as they were submitted. Authors are listed when available.




William Playford,
Cabot, AR USA
I hope every planet is free.Because it wouldn't be fare for just ours to be free.
Rosana Becker
Asuncion Capital PARAGUAY
We should care about the life of our planet .After all, EARTH is our only HOME.
Eric Brander
Austin, TX USA
We are a spec on the universal timeline, yet each individual's efforts can make a difference.
Sam Cooper
Bournemouth ENGLAND
Help The Environment.
Mindie Hirst
Brooksville, FL USA
One day humans around the world will work together to better our home by exploring the unexplained.
Joey Borson
Broomall, PA USA
On our planet, tools that can destroy all life exist. Perhaps humanity will not use them.
David Turner
Channing, TX USA
God Loves you! "
Kholter Hienz
Claremore, OK USA
"In the begining God created the heavens and the earth..." .
Jaromir Laukmichel
We all live in a commune - and our house is called Blue Crystal, Home, Earth. It is real beautiful!
Ricardo Florencia
Cuernavaca Morelos MEXICO
Home to millions of creatures. Earth, with its vast oceans and incredible lands, is our home.
Raimo Kangasniemi
Juupajoki FINLAND
Our species has been shaped by Earth and we are all part of Earth.
Michael Cochran
LaCrosse, KS USA
"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind most of all" -Ozzy Osborne
Alan Notholt
Mexico City MEXICO
Earth is this beatuful part of of the solar sistem as we call it come see our ocean it's worthy. .
Juan Andr³s Gervaso
Montevideo URUGUAY
Vivimos en este astro moribundo, ya no da mąs, llev³mos nuestros genes mąs allą. Juan A. G.
Andreas Stafl
Muttenz Baselland SWITZERLAND
Earth,forgive us the bad things we did to you and give us many thousands years more of fabulous live.

Sanjin Potkonjak

Let us all be one.
Doraemon Chan B K
Wait 4 Me, I may be getting U a new friend. ^_^ .
Jeffrey Williams
Winston-Salem, NC USA
Our world was beautiful. Is it still?
Salvatore Drago
Arcadia, CA USA
May our prayers of peace reach the stars and reflect back to earth like seeds of wildflowers
Eric Nelson
Celebration, FL USA
Life has crossed mountains, and oceans. We begin now to cross the ultimate divide of space. .
Dave Edwards
Coventry, CT USA
My hope and wish for the people of our planet, is that we all learn to live together in peace.
Daniel Neafus
Denver, CO USA
Hopes for a bright future, from the Space Science team at the Denver Museum of Natural History.
Denver, CO USA
When the going gets tough - I remind myself of the importance of every activity, person, and day.
John Sutton
Denver, CO USA
Someday Understanding New, Creative Answers To Clearly Heighten Earth's Resources .
Tim Jago
Duluth, MN USA
Iwassent1,000,000milesfromyourplanettodiscoveryour origin.QuietandcoldoutthereEarthwasabeautifulsite
Edward Lee
Eureka, CA USA
Quick to judge Quick to anger Slow to understand Ignorance, prejudice and fear walk hand in hand .
DMarc esjardins
Gatineau Quebec CANADA
Alex Blackwell
Honolulu, HI USA
By searching for our genesis we will discover our fate.
William Crowson
Lagrange, GA USA
Angelo Pederzoli
Mexico City, MEXICO
Pierre A Renaud
Montreal Quebec CANADA
That mankind is - here and now - the dominant species is irrelevant. What is relevant is that if Earth is the only living planet in this universe, then all life and nature is infinitely precious, What is also relevant is that if mankind isn't the only intelligent species in this universe, then we should respect and dignify all life, human and non human, because we could be the "lower animal" of someone else.
George Varros
Mount Airy, MD USA
If we can learn to live in peace, we will live in space.
Daren Jessip
Sioux Falls, SD USA
Will our "things" really have mattered, or should we have just loved each other?
Daren Jessip
Sioux Falls, SD USA
Think what we could do if we stop trying to destroy each other and start to learn from each other.
Lebee Meehan
St. Louis, MO USA
Good Education Needs Effective Science Investigation
Robert Clements
The journey is not a vision; nor is it a destination: it's a process with a direction but no goal
David Aldrich
Tigard, OR USA
To communicate between worlds bonds us. It validates our mutual desire to understand.
Ronn Wood
Amarillo, TX USA
Love is an airport in Dallas.
Charles Walker
Annandale, VA USA
We reach, out, learn from the sun, the stars. Can't we reach in, and learn from our hearts?
Dr. Rick Kirschner
Ashland, OR USA
We are one island, one ocean, one race... with courage to build a world that works for everyone.
Jerry Bruno
Castle Rock, CO USA
It is my hope that Genesis will bring back treasures that will answer many questions about Earth.
Patricia Biski
Clifton Park, NY USA
May an army of angels hold hands to circle the earth and protect it from harm.
Peter Landecker
El Segundo, CA USA
Space Exploration is Uplifting
Patricia Zehnle
Englewood, CO USA
May Genesis be a new beginning in space exploration. A search for the origin.
Larry and Arlene Kelly
Grand Island, NE USA
Take care of what we have here on earth, explore new horizons and trust in God.
Robert Kehoe
Houston, TX USA
A mild, mild day and a mild, mild sky. On such a day fourty, aye, fourty years and a thousand
Gary Waits
Houston, TX USA
Earth in Space - Man on Earth - both together in a Divine embrace
Lloyd Oldham
Littleton, CO USA
All Spacecraft are tough! Genesis at it's low cost is remarkable! L.P.Oldham, LMA Genesis Prog Mngr
Dorothy Herbert
Long Island, ME USA
Lord, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Jerry Lipman
Merritt Island, FL USA
May we children of Earth become a spacefaring people, a galactic civilization, for all of time.
Scott Hughes
Pocatello, ID USA
On Earth, you can always find a piece of wire.
Donna Hedlund
Portland, ME USA
While your ship sails the Ocean of the universe, this Maine woman will watch her own Atlantic shore. Sure in the heart of memory, strong in the hand that steers the tiller, caring for the weak and humbled ones, waiting for the winds in the creak of dawn, watching the slim disc rise over the sea here in Portland; my thoughts ride with you, too. Tell the sun about our Atlantic, tell how we ride the seas, mention us in your memories.
Janice Aebi
Steep Falls, ME USA
I wish love, light and healing for the earth - water, air and all living creatures.
Ken Jett
Titusville, FL USA
The bible is proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that life exists beyond earth. Jesus accended up.
Steve Wolfhope
Tucson, AZ USA
only one place has fewer bounderies and larger dimension than the universe,your imagination.
John Kribs
Windsor Ontario CANADA
Just one giant asteroid... entire human race wiped out! Better get off this planet soon.
Robby Robinson
Arroyo Grande, CA USA
We and the Earth are of star-stuff: to the stars we shall return -- One way or another --
Lou Martin
Merritt Island, FL USA
Exploring Space will help us to learn how to lessen the load on "Mother Earth".
Edna Atkins
Merritt Island, FL USA
Take care of Mother Earth, the future depends on it!
Edna Atkins
Merritt Island, FL USA
Add to the soil, don't just take from it!
Frank Arnold
Merritt Island, FL USA
Unite and keep Mother Earth beautiful!
J. Leadlay
Merritt Island, FL USA
Will our earth be able to hold all of these people?
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