Sasaki on the Genesis Mission
Sasaki on being an engineer
View Chet Sasaki's Resume
Meet former Genesis Project Manager Chet Sasaki
The following interview occurred June 29, 1998, between
then Project Manager Chet Sasaki, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
and Senior Consultant Alice Krueger, McREL.
A.K. What is a project manager? What are the job
C.S. In general, the job responsibility of the project
manager is to manage the project. That is, he or she manages
the resources, schedules, and cost elements to achieve the
objectives of the project. Within the NASA community, there
are two general kinds of programs: science and technology.
The responsibility of the project manager of a science program
like Genesis is to focus on achieving the science objectives.
The responsibility of a project manager of a technology program
is primarily to develop the technology or a proof of concept.
A.K. What kinds of people help you do your job?
C.S. Within the Genesis project structure there are
two kinds of support: technical and business. In the technical
arena I am assisted by the seven heads of the IPTs (Integrated
Product Teams). These IPT heads are responsible for their
portion of the project. I mean that, end-to-end, they're responsible
for their deliverables, i.e., they are accountable for their
product, schedule, and cost. These seven people comprise the
Genesis Management Team whose technical work spans science
to engineering to outreach.
Organizationally, each IPT is structured a little differently.
From the perspective of Lockheed Martin Astronautics (LMA),
whose work comprises a large portion of the Genesis project
including the spacecraft and the sample return capsule, the
substructure is comprised largely of subsystems. The payload
group at Los Alamos is comprised of two large groups. They
are a smaller organization with a smaller defined piece of
work, and they historically work in small, fully contained
teams. Within the JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory's) portion
of the Genesis project, we have hardware elements, such as
the canister, the locking ring, and the array.
I am also assisted by the business office. While the business
office may have technical personnel, its functions are performance
measurement system implementation (schedule and cost performance),
mission assurance, information management, and configuration
A.K. How were you chosen to be the project manager
for Genesis?
C.S. Serendipity. The person who ultimately picked
me for the position was Genesis Principal Investigator Don
Burnett. I was recommended by the former Project Manager Firouz
Naderi, in the preliminary stages of planning the Genesis
mission. I also had to be approved by the Director of the
Space and Earth Science Program Directorate at JPL.
I had some meetings and interviews with Don Burnett which
were fairly informal. He largely accepted Firouz's recommendation.
I think he was looking mainly for experience, because it can
usually be assumed that if someone has experience, they have
the necessary skills. Actually there were also discussions
about whether or not I had enough visibility within NASA to
win the contract for Genesis. I believe, however, from a performance
point of view, that the primary qualification for this job
is experience.
A.K. What is the relationship between what you do and
what the scientists are trying to discover?
C.S. My primary interest is in implementing the project
so that they can accomplish their science objectives. The
Genesis team translates the science requirements and produces
systems such as the spacecraft, SRC (sample return capsule),
payload, mission design, and mission operations to achieve
that science. The scientists define their requirements, participate
in the approval of the designs, develop the systems necessary
for sample analysis, and eventually analyze the samples when
they return.
A.K. What is the most fascinating thing about the Genesis
C.S. For me it is the challenge associated with a
complex, multifaceted mission. "Faster, better, cheaper" means
we have a cost cap and a short schedule. A challenge new to
me is the partnership with our commercial partner, Lockheed
A.K. What is the riskiest part of the Genesis mission?
C.S. There are two different kinds of risk: programmatic
and technical. The programmatic risk of this mission is the
new partnering approach and the short schedule. The technical
risk is that we are a strongly mechanisms-driven project.
By that, I mean that as a robotic mission, we have lots of
deployments and motion-producing devices. We open the SRC,
unlatch the canister, open the canister, rotate the arrays,
restore everything for reentry, deploy the SRC, and deploy
parachutes. Any failure can halt the mission. To minimize
these risks we use early prototyping and early engineering
models. We test the heck out of mechanisms. We put in redundant
units where we can; where we physically can't or where we
can't afford it, we put in factors of safety. That means we
put in more than is required.
A.K. What will the science of space be like in 20 years?
How will this mission contribute?
C.S. Twenty years from now we will have freer, broader
access to space. There will be more launches. We will have
been to all the planets and will have landed on several, not
just the moon and Mars. We will understand the solar system
better by then.
In the future we will have smaller spacecraft, what they call
"spacecraft on a chip" that will be not only smaller, but
more efficient and can be used more often. We're only a small
contributor to "faster, better, cheaper" missions. Genesis
is learning how to do things faster, better, and cheaper.
The programmatics drive us to "faster and cheaper" and the
technology and the people to "better."
A.K. Do you have other responsibilities at JPL? If
so, what are they?
C.S. Genesis takes up most of my time. I also serve
on review boards for other missions, such as Critical Design
Reviews or Pre-Launch Reviews.
A.K. What is your everyday work life like?
C.S. I get in early, about 7ish. The days get long
in "faster, better, cheaper." Since we downsized, I often
stay until 6 or 7 p.m. I frequently work 4-8 hours on one
day of the weekend. About 35% of my time is spent in meetings
with people, either face-to-face or on the telephone. Another
35% is spent on electronic communications, e-mail, and telephone.
The remainder of the day I am trying to understand the project.
This involves reading, analyzing budgets and cost performances,
and visiting schedules. I want to make sure that our infrastructure
works right. To some degree I act as a systems engineer. I
review everything, but I assume the tech guys do the technical
work. I usually do a high level review and try not to micromanage.
A.K. What is systems engineering? It doesn't seem to
be something you could learn at college.
C.S. Systems engineering is usually learned on the
job. Many employers have courses they offer in systems engineering.
It doesn't require experience in any particular engineering
discipline; actually more general understanding and some in
depth knowledge in some engineering discipline is enough.
Personal skills are required also. Systems engineering's product
is paper and unified designs. The purpose of systems engineering
is to achieve a consistent set of requirements and designs
across systems and to optimize across system interfaces. So
nobody gets exactly what he or she wants, not only because
of systems engineering, but also because of cost and schedule
constraints. Systems engineers look across the project and
make judgments.
A.K. Are there or were there any barriers to your work?
C.S. Lack of experience with certain situations is
one. Some situations are outside the scope of my experience.
Then I need good input and advice from people. I also have
mentors to whom I can go. They have had experience with things
I have not had yet.
Institutional barriers are the rules, and regulations sometimes
get in the way. The regulations were created to keep people
from recreating something someone else worked on and to prevent
them from making the same mistakes. In the first order, you
try to live with the rules. If it is worth fighting for and
spending the silver bullet on, then you try to change the
A.K. What kind of career path led you to become an
C.S. Becoming an engineer was mostly serendipitous
for me. I didn't think very hard about what I wanted to be.
I was always good at math and science in grade school and
high school in Hawaii, so the technical area was a natural
to go into. Engineering was available, so I went into that
at the University of Hawaii. I had enjoyed working with cars
as a teenager, so I chose mechanical engineering.
Because several of my friends were at the University of Illinois,
I transferred there, where after two years, I got my Bachelor
of Science in Mechanical Engineering. I had been through ROTC
there as well, so I also received my commission into the Air
Force. I got the rest of my education through the Air Force.
I got my Master of Science through the Air Force Institute
of Technology program. I enrolled in the doctoral program
at KSU (Kansas State University) while I was teaching there
for the Air Force. It is interesting that during my undergraduate
work I was interested in mechanical engineering from the aspect
of design. During my master's work, I was interested in fluid
mechanics, and my doctoral work was in controls. Now I know
that I prefer managing rather than detailed technical work.
A.K. What has been the most surprising thing about
your education and career history?
C.S. I've never really been surprised by either my
education or my career. I guess the biggest surprise was becoming
project manager for Genesis. I had been working as assistant
project manager for the Scatterometer projects and the opportunity
to do Genesis came out of the blue.
A.K. What is your family life like?
C.S. Well, it's short compared to my work life. I
spend a good deal of time at work. I am on my second marriage.
My wife, Kathy, and I each have two grown kids who are working.
We have two grandchildren in New Jersey who we don't get to
see as often as we would like, because work gets in the way.
A.K. What are your leisure time activities?
C.S. I spend time at the gym and do minor home improvements.
Kathy and I enjoy going to plays, movies, and concerts when
there is time.
A.K. What advice can you give to young engineers?
C.S. Just the age-old thing that never rings true
to young people. I didn't believe it when I was younger. "Do
something you like."
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