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Using the TI-82 with Data


Tech Apps
Certain sections of every Genesis education module can be "souped up," using the instructional technologies suggested here. We'll also provide technology tips and information about a myriad of ways you can infuse technology into the classroom.

This page provides instructional technologies relating to the Dynamic Design Series of science modules, as well as the Heat: An Agent of Change and Destination L1 modules..

The modules explored here focus on such diverse areas as travel, launch and propulsion, designing of a spacecraft, and the basic physical science concepts of heat and the challenges faced by the engineers designing the Genesis spacecraft.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) is used to distribute fully formatted, print-quality documents electronically. The following information is available to view and print as a PDF file with Adobe's Acrobat reader. To install the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader, visit the Adobe Web site.

The PowerPoint presentations presented here can be opened with the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer. To download the FREE viewer, visit the Microsoft site.

On-line Excel spreadsheets support student learning in a variety of ways. Each spreadsheet comes with embedded student instructions, offering the user multiple opportunities to manipulate data using this technology application. To download the FREE Excel Spreadsheet viewer, visit the Microsoft site.

High School Tech Apps

Invisible Power of Heat
PowerPoint PowerPoint
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The PowerPoint presentationChemicals Invisible Power of Heat supports the student text in Heat: An Agent of Change. During the briefing students read about the myth of Daedalus and Icarus, emphasizing their technological challenge.

Curriculum Connections
Science Teaching Standards Addressed
National Science Education Standards

PowerPoint Presentations

Teaching Standard A
  • Teachers of science plan an inquiry-based science program for their students. In doing this, teachers select science content and adapt and design curricula to meet the interests, knowledge, understanding, abilities, and experiences of students.
Teaching Standard B
  • Teachers of science guide and facilitate learning. In doing this, teachers recognize and respond to student diversity and encourage all students to participate fully in science learning.
Teaching Standard D
  • Teachers of science design and manage learning environments that provide students with the time, space, and resources needed for learning science. In doing this, teachers make the available science tools, materials, media, and technological resources accessible to students.
Science Education Program Standard B
  • The program of study in science for all students should be developmentally appropriate, interesting, and relevant to students' lives; emphasize students understanding through inquiry, and be connected with other school subjects.

Excel Spreadsheets

Teaching Standard D
  • Teachers of science design and manage learning environments that provide students with the time, space, and resources needed for learning science. In doing this, teachers...make the available science tools, materials, media, and technological resources accessible to students.
Content Standard, Grades 5-8
Science As Inquiry
  • Abilities Necessary to do Scientific Inquiry: Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data.
Content Standard, Grades 9-12
Science As Inquiry
  • Abilities Necessary to do Scientific Inquiry: Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications.

Models in Science: Modeling the Sun
PowerPoint PowerPoint
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PDF Icon Teacher Guide
PDF Icon Teacher Notes

The PowerPoint presentation It Began With Apollo supports the student text in Dynamic Design: A Collection Process. During the briefing students learn about how solar wind was collected during the Apollo PatchApollo missions. The Teacher Notes are included in the PowerPoint, but are useful to teachers using the PDF of the presentation.

Models in Science: Modeling the Sun
PowerPoint PowerPoint
PDF Icon PowerPoint as PDF
PDF Icon Teacher Guide
PDF Icon Teacher Notes

The PowerPoint presentation Genesis Launch Vehicle: The Delta Rocket support the student text in Dynamic Design: Launch and Propulsion. This text explains the historyLaunch of the Delta rocket from its inception in the late 1950s to its use today in launching satellites with information specific to the launch of Genesis.

Heat Effects on Metals
Excel Spreadsheet Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet Heat Effects on Metals offers students the opportunity to meet the same learning objectives as this activity offers in the module Heat: An Agent of Change. Spreadsheet data manipulation also enhances a student's ability to utilize technology to rapidly and efficiently solve problems. For classroom computers that do not have the Microsoft Excel software, this site offers a download option for the Microsoft Excel viewer.

Calculating Orbital Eccentricity of the Planets
Excel Spreadsheet Spreadsheet

The Calculating Orbital Eccentricity of the Planets spreadsheet supports the student activity "Round and Round" in the Destination L1 module. Students use this spreadsheet to find the orbital eccentricity of each planet using each planets' semi-major axis and the DD table from the center of its orbit to the focus. The final result is a graph that compares the orbital eccentricities of the planets.

Hohmann Excel
Excel Spreadsheet Spreadsheet

The Hohmann Excel spreadsheet supports the student activity "Minimum Energy Transfer Orbits" in the Destination L1 module. Students can use this spreadsheet to investigate transer orbits of the planets.

Kepler Excel
Excel Spreadsheet Spreadsheet

The Kepler Excel spreadsheet supports the student activity "Studying Orbits about Bodies in Space" in the Destination L1 module. Students examine orbits around the Earth or other planets and calculate a table of 100 orbits.
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