This science module focuses on
the launch and propulsion of the Genesis spacecraft.
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This module contains video and audio interviews
with Boeing's Genesis Mission Integration Officer
Kris Walsh. They accompany the student text, "Genesis
Launch Vehicle: The Delta Rocket," in
the Development section.
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Player to access these clips. Visit the QuickTime
site to download.
Take a look at other science
modules available. All technical terms
in the science modules are compiled in the Glossary for
easy access.

In Dynamic Design: Launch and Propulsion,
students become familiar with how rockets are launched.
Students will also learn how and why specific rockets
are chosen for varying payloads. In this middle school
module (grades 5-9), students learn about the history
of rocketry and work with variables that might affect
the performance of a launch vehicle.
Students work in teams to investigate
one variable, in detail, by performing tests. By completing
these tests they will learn the various aspects of launching
a rocket. In the assessment, students engage in a competition
whereby they apply what they have learned about rockets
to build a launch vehicle that flies as high as possible.
Student Mission
Students will work in teams to learn about various
aspects of launching a water rocket. Students work in expert groups to
learn more about variables related to propulsion, the shape, size, number
and placement of fins and the nosecone shape. Students then take the information
learned in the expert groups back to their design group to design and build
a water rocket that will fly as high as possible.
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Portable Document Format (PDF) is used to distribute
fully formatted, print-quality documents. |
materials in this module require QuickTime to access.
Download the free player here. |
The module begins by having
students look at the concept of variables. In "Pop Rocket
Variables," students investigate a simple rocket made with
antacid and a film canister. Students begin by listing all of
the variables that might affect the performance of the pop rocket,
then operationally define these variables. Finally, students
design a test where they investigate changing one variable and
keeping the others constant.
The Student Text "Variables and Operational
Definitions" provides students with background on these
process skills, while "I Can't Believe I Ate the Whole
Thing" provides background information on antacid and
National Standards Addressed
Science Education Standards
Grades 5-8
Science as Inquiry |
- Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
- Understandings about scientific inquiry
Science |
- Properties and changes of properties in matter
- Motions and Forces
- Interactions of Matter and Energy
History and
Nature of Science |
Science and
Technology |
- Science, Technology and Society
- Personal Health
Grades 9-12
Physical Science
- Structures and Properties of Matter
- Chemical Reactins
History and
Nature of Science |
Science in Personal
and Social Perspectives |
- Personal and community Health
In the activities of this module,
the teacher's primary role is Socratic. Through effective questioning,
students should become aware of Newton's laws of motion as they
apply to rockets.
In the Student Activity, "Pop Goes Newton," students
continue to study the concept of variables in relation to launching
pop rockets. The lesson has the students applying each of Newton's
laws to the pop rocket activity.
Students chart a two-tiered timeline in the Student Activity, "The
History of Rocketry." They note key developments in rocketry
on one line and what happened in society at the same time on
the other line.
Use the student activities in "Launching
Genesis" to create interest in learning more about the launch
and propulsion of the Genesis spacecraft. In "Choosing a
Launch Vehicle," students look at the launch vehicle requirements
for the Genesis spacecraft. They then decide which rocket should
be chosen from a list of several Delta rockets. Through a simulation,
students learn about the propulsion system on the Genesis spacecraft. "Genesis
Launch Vehicle: The Delta Rocket" is a text that explains
the history of the Delta rocket from its inception in the late
1950's to its use today in launching satellites with information
specific to the launch of Genesis. Students calculate the success
rate of the Delta rocket in the Student Activity "How Do
You Spell Success?" The "Propulsion" teacher text
describes various propulsion systems ranging from what is used
by the squid to the hydrazine system on Genesis. Future advanced
propulsion systems are also explored in this text.
| | |
In this phase of the learning
cycle, student/peer interactions are emphasized. These activities
contain work to be done in expert groups, with the whole class
participating in the safety rules found in the Appendices.
Once students have had time to explore the rocket variables
in these activities, they return to their original design groups
to build and test their water rockets.
| |
In the assessment activity, "Fly Me High," students
are asked to combine what they have learned in this module with
the skills needed to launch a water rocket to as high an altitude
as possible. In the optional activity "You Get What You Pay
For," students are responsible for building a budget for the
activities undertaken in both the Interaction/Synthesis and Assessment
sections of this module. |
Writers: |
Ristvey, McREL
~Mike Arnold, McREL
Technical Editor: |
~Jacinta Behne, McREL
Graphics: |
~Judy Counley, McREL
Layout: |
~Kim Dawson, McREL
~Juli Pennock, McREL
Special thanks to the following reviewers: |
~Dr. Gil Yanow, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
~Dr. Dean Eppler, NASA Johnson Space Center
~Mark Rose, Maplewood Junior/Senior High, PA
~Dr. Donna Bogner, McREL
~Jacinta Behne, McREL
~Pat McCartney, McREL