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Tech Apps
Certain sections of every Genesis education module can be "souped up," using the instructional technologies suggested here. We'll also provide technology tips and information about a myriad of ways you can infuse technology into the classroom.

This page provides instructional technologies relating to the Cosmic Chemistry Series of science modules.

This series of science modules focuses on such areas as classifying and organizing information, the modern Periodic Table of Elements, scientific modeling, current theories on our solar system's formation, and the difficulties of conducting science on the scale of the universe.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) is used to distribute fully formatted, print-quality documents electronically. The following information is available to view and print as a PDF file with Adobe's Acrobat reader. To install the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader, visit the Adobe Web site.

The PowerPoint presentations presented here can be opened with the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer. To download the FREE viewer, visit the Microsoft site.

On-line Excel spreadsheets support student learning in a variety of ways. Each spreadsheet comes with embedded student instructions, offering the user multiple opportunities to manipulate data using this technology application. To download the FREE Excel Spreadsheet viewer, visit the Microsoft site.

Middle School Tech Apps

Atoms, Elements, and Isotopes
PowerPoint PowerPoint
PDF Icon PowerPoint as PDF
The Atoms, Elements, and Isotopes PowerPoint presentation supports the student text in Cosmic Chemistry: An Elemental Question and the teacher text in Cosmic ChemistryCosmic Chemistry: Understanding Elements. The text is used to introduce technical vocabulary.

Curriculum Connections
Science Teaching Standards Addressed
National Science Education Standards

PowerPoint Presentations

Teaching Standard A
  • Teachers of science plan an inquiry-based science program for their students. In doing this, teachers… select science content and adapt and design curricula to meet the interests, knowledge, understanding, abilities, and experiences of students.

Teaching Standard B

  • Teachers of science guide and facilitate learning. In doing this, teachers…recognize and respond to student diversity and encourage all students to participate fully in science learning.
Teaching Standard D
  • Teachers of science design and manage learning environments that provide students with the time, space, and resources needed for learning science. In doing this, teachers…make the available science tools, materials, media, and technological resources accessible to students.
Science Education Program Standard B
  • The program of study in science for all students should be … developmentally appropriate, interesting, and relevant to students’ lives; emphasize students understanding through inquiry, and be connected with other school subjects.

Excel Spreadsheets

Teaching Standard A
  • Teachers of science plan an inquiry-based science program for their students. In doing this, teachers… select science content and adapt and design curricula to meet the interests, knowledge, understanding, abilities, and experiences of students.
Teaching Standard D
  • Teachers of science design and manage learning environments that provide students with the time, space, and resources needed for learning science. In doing this, teachers…make the available science tools, materials, media, and technological resources accessible to students.
Science Education Program Standard B
  • The program of study in science for all students should be … developmentally appropriate, interesting, and relevant to students’ lives; emphasize students understanding through inquiry, and be connected with other school subjects.
Content Standard, Grades 9-12
Science As Inquiry
  • Abilities Necessary to do Scientific Inquiry: Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications.

Models in Science: Modeling the Sun
PowerPoint PowerPoint
PDF Icon PowerPoint as PDF

The Models in Science: Modeling the Sun PowerPoint presentation supports the student text in Cosmic Chemistry: The Sun and Solar Wind. During Exploration students learn about the characteristics of scientific models,The Sun in general and the standard solar model in particular.

Solar Nebula Supermarket
PowerPoint PowerPoint
PDF Icon PowerPoint as PDF
PDF Icon Teacher Guide
PDF Icon Teacher Notes

The Solar Nebula Supermarket PowerPoint presentation supports the student text in Cosmic Chemistry: Planetary Diversity. During Exploration Star Formationstudents learn about the solar nebula and how the varying composition of the planets could be explained by differences in temperatures at which the nebula condensed. The Teacher Notes are included in the PowerPoint, but are useful to teachers using the PDF of the presentation.

Dark Matter—More Than Meets the Eye
PowerPoint PowerPoint
PDF Icon PowerPoint as PDF
PDF Icon Teacher Guide
PDF Icon Teacher Notes

The Dark Matter—More Than Meets the Eye PowerPoint presentation supports the student text in Cosmic Chemistry: Cosmogony. During development students learn more about the structures of the universe and the models now being considered. The Teacher Notes areStructures of the Universe included in the PowerPoint, but are useful to teachers using the PDF of the presentation.

Calculating Isotope Ratios
Excel Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet

Graphing Oxygen Isotope Ratios
Excel Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet
Both the Calculating Isotope Ratios and the Graphing Oxygen Isotope Ratios spreadsheets offer students the opportunity to meet the same learning objectives as these activities offer in the module Cosmic Chemistry: An Elemental Question. Spreadsheet data manipulation also enhances a student's ability to utilize technology to rapidly and efficiently solve problems. For classroom computers that do not have the Microsoft Excel software, this site offers a download option for the Microsoft Excel viewer.

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