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Bob Saxton, the "Honorary" Stardust Guitarist, played this song titled "Stardust".

Stardust song

The song is an MP3 audio file. If you need help in playing sound files, look here.

Happy 6th Birthday Stardust! Photo of Ken Atkins

Former Project Manager Ken Atkins wrote this letter to the project on the 6th anniversary of Stardust's launch:

license_s.jpg   How popular is Stardust? Solar System Educator, Adair Teller's license plate tells it all.
Submitted by Kelly, Age 14
California City, California


Answering the call of their art teachers to paint something that inspired them, Rebekah Sorensen and Sarah McCready, 10th graders from Meadow Creek Christian School, Anoka, Minn., created a 5-by-8- foot mural depicting NASA's Stardust mission, the first space mission to collect dust from a comet's tail.

full story

This photo was supplied by Sally Jensen from Campton, New Hampshire. This sign is in her driveway for emergency 911 purposes.


The poem below was submitted by Rich Ensign, Director of the Crestwood School District Planetarium in Michigan.

Since my grandfather Frederick M. Holbrook inspired my life and sent me down the road to becoming a Planetarium Director (for the last 31 years), I put his name on the microchip on the Stardust spacecraft and recently wrote the following poem. It is relevant for all who follow this mission particularly young followers of Stardust.


Grandfather's sweeping up stardust
Out in the Milky Way
Borne by the ship that carries his name
Returning to Earth someday.

Others travel beside him
Whose relatives thought they should come
The, signify the human wish
To return to where they came from.

I'm sweeping out there alongside him
My mother, his daughter's there too
Think of the sights that fill days and nights
And the work that we all have to do.

Collecting the dust of creation
That our Sun is drifting through
We'll hold it tight on the journey
And send it safe home to you.

Before we come home we'll be traveling
Close to the comet Wild 2
We know there's a risk as we pass through the tail
We'll be sweeping up comet dust too.

Stardust's the name of the spacecraft
That carries us all on our way
And when we return to the blue Earth
Oh the wonders we'll tell you that day.

-- Rich Ensign, Director
Crestwood School District Planetarium
Dearborn Heights, MI


Last updated November 26, 2003


JPL Annual Open House - 2001




















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