Moons in our Solar System
Moons: Facts
Our solar system has hundreds of moons. Even some asteroids have moons.
Moons – also called natural satellites – come in many shapes, sizes and types. They are generally solid bodies, and few have atmospheres. Most planetary moons probably formed out the discs of gas and dust circulating around the planets in the early solar system.
There are more than 470 known moons in our solar system. Most moons orbit planets. As of March 2025, there were 421 officially recognized moons orbiting planets, including dwarf planet Pluto. The remaining moons are orbiting small bodies including other dwarf planets, asteroids, and trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). TNOs are objects in the solar system that have an orbit beyond Neptune.
How Moons Get Their Names
Every moon discovered in the modern era gets a number first. For example, S/2009 S1 was the first satellite discovered at Saturn in 2009. The most significant moons get an official name. Most moons in our solar system are named for mythological characters from a wide variety of cultures. Newer moons discovered at Saturn, for example, are named for Norse mythology such as Bergelmir, a giant. Uranus is the exception. Uranus' moons are named for characters in William Shakespeare's plays with destinations such as Ophelia and Puck in orbit. Other Uranian moon names were chosen from Alexander Pope's poetry (Belinda and Ariel).
Moons of the Inner Solar System
Earth's Moon probably formed when a large body about the size of Mars collided with Earth, tossing a lot of material from our planet into orbit. Debris from early Earth and the impacting body accumulated to form the Moon approximately 4.5 billion years ago (the age of the oldest collected lunar rocks). Twelve American astronauts landed on the Moon during NASA's Apollo program from 1969 to 1972, studying the Moon and bringing back rock samples.
Usually the term moon brings to mind a spherical object, like Earth's Moon. The two moons of Mars — Phobos and Deimos —are different. While both have nearly circular orbits and travel close to the plane of the planet's equator, they are lumpy and dark. Phobos is slowly drawing closer to Mars and could crash into the planet in 40 or 50 million years. Or the planet's gravity might break Phobos apart, creating a thin ring around Mars.
Moons of the Giant Planets
Jupiter's four largest moons were the first moons discovered beyond Earth. Jupiter's menagerie of moons includes the largest moon in the solar system — Ganymede. Jupiter also has an ocean moon —Europa, which will be explored by NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft. Jupiter's other two large moons are Io, a volcanic moon, and Callisto. Many of Jupiter's outer moons have highly elliptical orbits and orbit backwards (opposite to the spin of the planet). Saturn, Uranus and Neptune also have some irregular moons, which orbit far from their respective planets.
Saturn has two ocean moons – Enceladus and Titan. Both have subsurface oceans and Titan also has surface seas of lakes of ethane and methane. The chunks of ice and rock in Saturn's rings (and the particles in the rings of the other outer planets) are not considered moons, yet embedded in Saturn's rings are distinct moons or moonlets. These shepherd moons help keep the rings in line. Titan, the second largest in the solar system, is the only moon with a thick atmosphere.
In the realm of the ice giants, Uranus's inner moons appear to be about half water ice and half rock. Miranda is the most unusual; its chopped-up appearance shows the scars of impacts of large rocky bodies.
Neptune's moon Triton is as big as Pluto and orbits backwards compared with Neptune's direction of rotation.
Moons of Dwarf Planets
Pluto's large moon Charon is about half the size of Pluto. Like Earth's Moon, Charon may have formed from debris resulting from an early collision of an impactor with Pluto. Scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope to study Pluto found four more small moons.
Eris, another dwarf planet even more distant than Pluto, has a small moon of its own, named Dysnomia. Dwarf planet Haumea has two satellites, Hi'iaka and Namaka. Ceres, the closest dwarf planet to the Sun, has no moons.
More Moons
Scientists weren't sure if asteroids could hold moons in their orbits until the Galileo spacecraft flew past asteroid Ida in 1993. Images revealed a tiny moon, later named Dactyl. Astronomers have since confirmed more than 470 moons orbiting asteroids and trans-Neptunian objects.
Full List: Moons Orbiting Planets and Dwarf Planets in Our Solar System
AU number | IAU name | Provisional Designation | Year Discovered | Discoverer(s)/Spacecraft | References |
Earth: 1 | |||||
Moon | Not Recorded | Known to Ancients | IAU WGPSN | ||
Satellites of Mars: 2 | |||||
I | Phobos | 1877 | A. Hall | IAU WGPSN | |
II | Deimos | 1877 | A. Hall | IAU WGPSN | |
Satellites of Jupiter: 95 | |||||
I | Io | 1610 | Galileo | IAU WGPSN | |
II | Europa | 1610 | Galileo | IAU WGPSN | |
III | Ganymede | 1610 | Galileo | IAU WGPSN | |
IV | Callisto | 1610 | Galileo | IAU WGPSN | |
V | Amalthea | 1892 | E.E. Barnard | IAU WGPSN | |
VI | Himalia | 1904 | C.D. Perrine | IAU WGPSN | |
VII | Elara | 1905 | C.D. Perrine | IAU WGPSN | |
VIII | Pasiphae | 1908 | P.J. Melotte | IAU WGPSN | |
IX | Sinope | 1914 | S.B. Nicholson | IAU WGPSN | |
X | Lysithea | 1938 | S.B. Nicholson | IAU WGPSN | |
XI | Carme | 1938 | S.B. Nicholson | IAU WGPSN | |
XII | Ananke | 1951 | S.B. Nicholson | IAU WGPSN | |
XIII | Leda | 1974 | C.T. Kowal | IAU WGPSN | |
XIV | Thebe | S/1979 J2 | 1979 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
XV | Adrastea | S/1979 J1 | 1979 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
XVI | Metis | S/1979 J3 | 1979 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
XVII | Callirrhoe | S/1999 J1 | 1999 | J.V. Scotti, T.B. Spahr, R.S. McMillan, J.A. Larsen, J. Montani, A.E. Gleason, T. Gehrels | IAUC 7460 |
XVIII | Themisto | S/1975 J1 = S/2000 J1 | 1975, 2000 | C.T. Kowal, E. Roemer (1975), S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. Magnier (2000) | IAUC 7525 |
XIX | Megaclite | S/2000 J8 | 2000 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. Magnier | IAUC 7555 |
XX | Taygete | S/2000 J9 | 2000 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. Magnier | IAUC 7555 |
XXI | Chaldene | S/2000 J10 | 2000 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. Magnier | IAUC 7555 |
XXII | Harpalyke | S/2000 J5 | 2000 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. Magnier | IAUC 7555 |
XXIII | Kalyke | S/2000 J2 | 2000 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. Magnier | IAUC 7555 |
XXIV | Iocaste | S/2000 J3 | 2000 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. Magnier | IAUC 7555 |
XXV | Erinome | S/2000 J4 | 2000 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. Magnier | IAUC 7555 |
XXVI | Isonoe | S/2000 J6 | 2000 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. Magnier | IAUC 7555 |
XXVII | Praxidike | S/2000 J7 | 2000 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. Magnier | IAUC 7555 |
XXVIII | Autonoe | S/2001 J1 | 2001 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2002-J54 |
XXIX | Thyone | S/2001 J2 | 2001 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2002-J54 |
XXX | Hermippe | S/2001 J3 | 2001 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2002-J54 |
XXXI | Aitne | S/2001 J11 | 2001 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2002-J54 |
XXXII | Eurydome | S/2001 J4 | 2001 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2002-J54 |
XXXIII | Euanthe | S/2001 J7 | 2001 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2002-J54 |
XXXIV | Euporie | S/2001 J10 | 2001 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2002-J54 |
XXXV | Orthosie | S/2001 J9 | 2001 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2002-J54 |
XXXVI | Sponde | S/2001 J5 | 2001 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2002-J54 |
XXXVII | Kale | S/2001 J8 | 2001 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2002-J54 |
XXXVIII | Pasithee | S/2001 J6 | 2001 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2002-J54 |
XXXIX | Hegemone | S/2003 J8 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8088 |
XL | Mneme | S/2003 J21 | 2003 | B. Gladman, L. Allen | IAUC 8138 |
XLI | Aoede | S/2003 J7 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8087 |
XLII | Thelxinoe | S/2003 J22 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8276 |
XLIII | Arche | S/2002 J1 | 2002 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8035 |
XLIV | Kallichore | S/2003 J11 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8089 |
XLV | Helike | S/2003 J6 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8087 |
XLVI | Carpo | S/2003 J20 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8125 |
XLVII | Eukelade | S/2003 J1 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8087 |
XLVIII | Cyllene | S/2003 J13 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8116 |
XLIX | Kore | S/2003 J14 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8116 |
L | Herse | S/2003 J17 | 2003 | B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, and L. Allen | IAUC 8116 |
LI | S/2010 J1 | 2010 | R. Jacobson, M. Brozovic, B. Gladman, M. Alexandersen | IAUC 9222 | |
LII | S/2010 J2 | 2010 | C. Veillet | IAUC 9222 | |
LIII | Dia | S/2000 J11 | 2000 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y. Fernandez, G. Magnier | IAUC 7555 |
LIV | S/2016 J1 | 2016 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2017-L08 | |
LV | S/2003 J18 | 2003 | B. Gladman | IAUC 8116 | |
LVI | S/2011 J2 | 2011 | S.S. Sheppard | CBET 3002/IAUC 9252 | |
LVII | Eirene | S/2003 J5 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, and J. Kleyna | IAUC 8087 |
LVIII | Philophrosyne | S/2003 J15 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, and J. Kleyna | IAUC 8116 |
LIX | S/2017 J1 | 2017 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2017-L47 | |
LX | Eupheme | S/2003 J3 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, and J. Kleyna | IAUC 8087 |
LXI | S/2003 J19 | 2003 | B. Gladman | IAUC 8125 | |
LXII | Valetudo | S/2016 J2 | 2016 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2018-O09 |
LXIII | S/2017 J2 | 2017 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2018-O10 | |
LXIV | S/2017 J3 | 2017 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2018-O11 | |
LXV | Pandia | S/2017 J4 | 2017 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2018-O12 |
LXVI | S/2017 J5 | 2017 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2018-O13 | |
LXVII | S/2017 J6 | 2017 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2018-O14 | |
LXVIII | S/2017 J7 | 2017 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2018-O15 | |
LXIX | S/2017 J8 | 2017 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2018-O16 | |
LXX | S/2017 J9 | 2017 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2018-O17 | |
LXXI | Ersa | S/2018 J1 | 2018 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2018-O18 |
LXXII | S/2011 J1 | 2011 | S.S. Sheppard | CBET 3002/IAUC 9252 | |
S/2003 J2 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8087 | ||
S/2003 J4 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8087 | ||
S/2003 J9 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8089 | ||
S/2003 J10 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8089 | ||
S/2003 J12 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8089 | ||
S/2003 J16 | 2003 | B. Gladman | IAUC 8116 | ||
S/2003 J23 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard | IAUC 8281 | ||
S/2003 J24 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, B.J. Gladman, C. Veillet | MPEC 2021-V333 | ||
S/2011 J3 | 2011 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2022-Y69 | ||
S/2016 J3 | 2016 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2023-A13 | ||
S/2016 J4 | 2016 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2023-B96 | ||
S/2018 J2 | 2018 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2022-Y68 | ||
S/2018 J3 | 2018 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2023-B38 | ||
S/2018 J4 | 2018 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2023-B51 | ||
S/2021 J1 | 2021 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2023-A14 | ||
S/2021 J2 | 2021 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2023-B37 | ||
S/2021 J3 | 2021 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2023-B39 | ||
S/2021 J4 | 2021 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2023-B40 | ||
S/2021 J5 | 2021 | S.S. Sheppard, D.J. Tholen, C. Trujillo | MPEC 2023-B41 | ||
S/2021 J6 | 2021 | S.S. Sheppard, D.J. Tholen, C. Trujillo | MPEC 2023-B50 | ||
S/2022 J1 | 2022 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2023-D44 | ||
S/2022 J2 | 2022 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2023-D45 | ||
S/2022 J3 | 2022 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2023-D46 | ||
Satellites of Saturn: 274 | |||||
I | Mimas | 1789 | W. Herschel | IAU WGPSN | |
II | Enceladus | 1789 | W. Herschel | IAU WGPSN | |
III | Tethys | 1684 | G.D. Cassini | IAU WGPSN | |
IV | Dione | 1684 | G.D. Cassini | IAU WGPSN | |
V | Rhea | 1672 | G.D. Cassini | IAU WGPSN | |
VI | Titan | 1655 | C. Huygens | IAU WGPSN | |
VII | Hyperion | 1848 | W.C Bond, G.P. Bond, W. Lassell | IAU WGPSN | |
VIII | Iapetus | 1671 | G.D. Cassini | IAU WGPSN | |
IX | Phoebe | 1898 | W.H. Pickering | IAU WGPSN | |
X | Janus | S/1980 S1 | 1966, 1980 | A. Dollfus (1966), D. Pascu (1980) | IAU WGPSN |
XI | Epimetheus | S/1980 S3 | 1977, 1980 | J. Fountain, S. Larson (1977), D. Cruikshank (1980) | IAU WGPSN |
XII | Helene | S/1980 S6 | 1980 | P. Laques and J. Lecacheux | IAU WGPSN |
XIII | Telesto | S/1980 S13 | 1980 | B.A. Smith, H. Reitsema, S.M. Larson, J. Fountain | IAU WGPSN |
XIV | Calypso | S/1980 S25 | 1980 | D. Pascu, P.K. Seidelmann, W. Baum, D. Currie | IAU WGPSN |
XV | Atlas | S/1980 S28 | 1980 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
XVI | Prometheus | S/1980 S27 | 1980 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
XVII | Pandora | S/1980 S26 | 1980 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
XVIII | Pan | S/1981 S13 | 1990 | M.R. Showalter | IAU WGPSN |
XIX | Ymir | S/2000 S1 | 2000 | B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. Burns | IAUC 7512 |
XX | Paaliaq | S/2000 S2 | 2000 | B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. Burns | IAUC 7512 |
XXI | Tarvos | S/2000 S4 | 2000 | B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. Burns | IAUC 7513 |
XXII | Ijiraq | S/2000 S6 | 2000 | B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. Burns | IAUC 7521 |
XXIII | Suttungr | S/2000 S12 | 2000 | B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. Burns | IAUC 7548 |
XXIV | Kiviuq | S/2000 S5 | 2000 | B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. Burns | IAUC 7521 |
XXV | Mundilfari | S/2000 S9 | 2000 | B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. Burns | IAUC 7538 |
XXVI | Albiorix | S/2000 S11 | 2000 | M. Holman | IAUC 7545 |
XXVII | Skathi | S/2000 S8 | 2000 | B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. Burns | IAUC 7538 |
XXVIII | Erriapus | S/2000 S10 | 2000 | B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. Burns | IAUC 7539 |
XXIX | Siarnaq | S/2000 S3 | 2000 | B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. Burns | IAUC 7513 |
XXX | Thrymr | S/2000 S7 | 2000 | B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. Burns | IAUC 7538 |
XXXI | Narvi | S/2003 S1 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, and J. Kleyna | IAUC 8116 |
XXXII | Methone | S/2004 S1 | 2004 | Cassini Imaging Science Team | IAUC 8389 |
XXXIII | Pallene | S/2004 S2 | 2004 | Cassini Imaging Science Team | IAUC 8389 |
XXXIV | Polydeuces | S/2004 S5 | 2004 | Cassini Imaging Science Team | IAUC 8432 |
XXXV | Daphnis | S/2005 S1 | 2005 | Cassini Imaging Science Team | IAUC 8524 |
XXXVI | Aegir | S/2004 S10 | 2004 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8523 |
XXXVII | Bebhionn | S/2004 S11 | 2004 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8523 |
XXXVIII | Bergelmir | S/2004 S15 | 2004 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8523 |
XXXIX | Bestla | S/2004 S18 | 2004 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8523 |
XL | Farbauti | S/2004 S9 | 2004 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8523 |
XLI | Fenrir | S/2004 S16 | 2004 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8523 |
XLII | Fornjot | S/2004 S8 | 2004 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8523 |
XLIII | Hati | S/2004 S14 | 2004 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8523 |
XLIV | Hyrrokkin | S/2004 S19 | 2004 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8727 |
XLV | Kari | S/2006 S2 | 2006 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8727 |
XLVI | Loge | S/2006 S5 | 2006 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8727 |
XLVII | Skoll | S/2006 S8 | 2006 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8727 |
XLVIII | Surtur | S/2006 S7 | 2006 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8727 |
XLIX | Anthe | S/2007 S4 | 2007 | Cassini Imaging Science Team | IAUC 8857 |
L | Jarnsaxa | S/2006 S6 | 2006 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8727 |
LI | Greip | S/2006 S4 | 2006 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8727 |
LII | Tarqeq | S/2007 S1 | 2007 | S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8836 |
LIII | Aegaeon | S/2008 S1 | 2008 | Cassini Imaging Science Team | IAUC 9023 |
LIV | Gridr | S/2004 S20 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T126 |
LV | Angrboda | S/2004 S22 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T128 |
LVI | Skrymir | S/2004 S23 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T129 |
LVII | Gerd | S/2004 S25 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T132 |
LVIII | S/2004 S26 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T133 | |
LIX | Eggther | S/2004 S27 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T134 |
LX | S/2004 S29 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T136 | |
LXI | Beli | S/2004 S30 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T137 |
LXII | Gunnlod | S/2004 S32 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T154 |
LXIII | Thiazzi | S/2004 S33 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T155 |
LXIV | S/2004 S34 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T156 | |
LXV | Alvaldi | S/2004 S35 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T157 |
LXVI | Geirrod | S/2004 S38 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T160 |
S/2004 S7 | 2005 | D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8523 | ||
S/2004 S12 | 2005 | D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8523 | ||
S/2004 S13 | 2005 | D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8523 | ||
S/2004 S17 | 2005 | D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8523 | ||
S/2004 S21 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T127 | ||
S/2004 S24 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T131 | ||
S/2004 S28 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T135 | ||
S/2004 S31 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T153 | ||
S/2004 S36 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T158 | ||
S/2004 S37 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T159 | ||
S/2004 S39 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2019-T161 | ||
S/2004 S40 | 2004 | D.C. Jewitt, S.S. Sheppard, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J24 | ||
S/2004 S41 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J37 | ||
S/2004 S42 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J41 | ||
S/2004 S43 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J45 | ||
S/2004 S44 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman | MPEC 2023-J46 | ||
S/2004 S45 | 2004 | D.C. Jewitt, S.S. Sheppard, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J47 | ||
S/2004 S46 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J60 | ||
S/2004 S47 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J62 | ||
S/2004 S48 | 2004 | D.C. Jewitt, S.S. Sheppard, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J166 | ||
S/2004 S49 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J168 | ||
S/2004 S50 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J169 | ||
S/2004 S51 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J177 | ||
S/2004 S52 | 2004 | D.C. Jewitt, S.S. Sheppard, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J179 | ||
S/2004 S53 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-K03 | ||
S/2004 S54 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2004 S55 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2004 S56 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2004 S57 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2004 S58 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2004 S59 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2004 S60 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2004 S61 | 2004 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2005 S4 | 2005 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J79 | ||
S/2005 S5 | 2005 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J85 | ||
S/2005 S6 | 2005 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2005 S7 | 2005 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2006 S1 | 2006 | S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8727 | ||
S/2006 S3 | 2006 | S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8727 | ||
S/2006 S9 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J22 | ||
S/2006 S10 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J42 | ||
S/2006 S11 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J48 | ||
S/2006 S12 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J49 | ||
S/2006 S13 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J56 | ||
S/2006 S14 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J64 | ||
S/2006 S15 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman | MPEC 2023-J163 | ||
S/2006 S16 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J164 | ||
S/2006 S17 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman | MPEC 2023-J165 | ||
S/2006 S18 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J170 | ||
S/2006 S19 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J176 | ||
S/2006 S20 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-K118 | ||
S/2006 S21 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2006 S22 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2006 S23 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2006 S24 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2006 S25 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2006 S26 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2006 S27 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2006 S28 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2006 S29 | 2006 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2007 S2 | 2007 | S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8836 | ||
S/2007 S3 | 2007 | S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8836 | ||
S/2007 S5 | 2007 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J34 | ||
S/2007 S6 | 2007 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J40 | ||
S/2007 S7 | 2007 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2023-J80 | ||
S/2007 S8 | 2007 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J81 | ||
S/2007 S9 | 2007 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman | MPEC 2023-K02 | ||
S/2007 S10 | 2007 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2007 S11 | 2007 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2009 S1 | 2009 | Cassini Imaging Science Team | IAUC 9091 | ||
S/2019 S1 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, C. Veillet, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2021-W14 | ||
S/2019 S2 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J25 | ||
S/2019 S3 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J26 | ||
S/2019 S4 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman | MPEC 2023-J36 | ||
S/2019 S5 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman | MPEC 2023-J43 | ||
S/2019 S6 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman | MPEC 2023-J55 | ||
S/2019 S7 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman | MPEC 2023-J57 | ||
S/2019 S8 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J58 | ||
S/2019 S9 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman | MPEC 2023-J59 | ||
S/2019 S10 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J61 | ||
S/2019 S11 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J63 | ||
S/2019 S12 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman | MPEC 2023-J67 | ||
S/2019 S13 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J69 | ||
S/2019 S14 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman | MPEC 2023-J83 | ||
S/2019 S15 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J84 | ||
S/2019 S16 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J171 | ||
S/2019 S17 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, , D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J172 | ||
S/2019 S18 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J173 | ||
S/2019 S19 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman | MPEC 2023-J174 | ||
S/2019 S20 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J175 | ||
S/2019 S21 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-K05 | ||
S/2019 S22 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2019 S23 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2019 S24 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2019 S25 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2019 S26 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2019 S27 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2019 S28 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2019 S29 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2019 S30 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2019 S31 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2019 S32 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2019 S33 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2019 S34 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2019 S35 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2019 S36 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2019 S37 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2019 S38 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2019 S39 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2019 S40 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2019 S41 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2019 S42 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2019 S43 | 2019 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2019 S44 | 2019 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S1 | 2020 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J21 | ||
S/2020 S2 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J27 | ||
S/2020 S3 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J35 | ||
S/2020 S4 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J38 | ||
S/2020 S5 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J39 | ||
S/2020 S6 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J68 | ||
S/2020 S7 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J82 | ||
S/2020 S8 | 2020 | S.S Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J167 | ||
S/2020 S9 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-J178 | ||
S/2020 S10 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2023-K04 | ||
S/2020 S11 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S12 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S13 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S14 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2020 S15 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2020 S16 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S17 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S18 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2020 S19 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S20 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S21 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2020 S22 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S23 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S24 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S25 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2020 S26 | 2020 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2020 S27 | 2020 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, J. Kleyna | MPEC 2025-E155 | ||
S/2020 S28 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2020 S29 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2020 S30 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S31 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S32 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2020 S33 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S34 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S35 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2020 S36 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2020 S37 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2020 S38 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S39 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S40 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2020 S41 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S42 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S43 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2020 S44 | 2020 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S1 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S2 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S3 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S4 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S5 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S6 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S7 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S8 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S9 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S10 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S11 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S12 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S13 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S14 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S15 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S16 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S17 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S18 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S19 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S20 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S21 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S22 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S23 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S24 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S25 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S26 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S27 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S28 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S29 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S30 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S31 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S32 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S33 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S34 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S35 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S36 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S37 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S38 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S39 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S40 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S41 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S42 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S43 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S44 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S45 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S46 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S47 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S48 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen | MPEC 2025-E154 | ||
S/2023 S49 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
S/2023 S50 | 2023 | E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. Alexandersen, W.C. Fraser, S.M. Lawler, J.J. Kavelaars | MPEC 2025-E153 | ||
Satellites of Uranus: 28 | |||||
I | Ariel | 1851 | W. Lassell | IAU WGPSN | |
II | Umbriel | 1851 | W. Lassell | IAU WGPSN | |
III | Titania | 1787 | W. Herschel | IAU WGPSN | |
IV | Oberon | 1787 | W. Herschel | IAU WGPSN | |
V | Miranda | 1948 | G. Kuiper | IAU WGPSN | |
VI | Cordelia | S/1986 U7 | 1986 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
VII | Ophelia | S/1986 U8 | 1986 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
VIII | Bianca | S/1986 U9 | 1986 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
IX | Cressida | S/1986 U3 | 1986 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
X | Desdemona | S/1986 U6 | 1986 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
XI | Juliet | S/1986 U2 | 1986 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
XII | Portia | S/1986 U1 | 1986 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
XIII | Rosalind | S/1986 U4 | 1986 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
XIV | Belinda | S/1986 U5 | 1986 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
XV | Puck | S/1985 U1 | 1985 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
XVI | Caliban | S/1997 U1 | 1997 | B.J. Gladman, P.D. Nicholson, J.A. Burns, J.J. Kavelaars | IAU WGPSN |
XVII | Sycorax | S/1997 U2 | 1997 | P.D. Nicholson, B.J. Gladman, J.A. Burns, J.J. Kavelaars | IAU WGPSN |
XVIII | Prospero | S/1999 U3 | 1999 | M. Holman, J.J. Kavelaars, B. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl | IAUC 7248 |
XIX | Setebos | S/1999 U1 | 1999 | J.J. Kavelaars, B. Gladman, M. Holman, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl | IAUC 7230 |
XX | Stephano | S/1999 U2 | 1999 | B. Gladman, M. Holman, J.J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl | IAUC 7230 |
XXI | Trinculo | S/2001 U1 | 2001 | M. Holman, J.J. Kavelaars, D. Milisavljevic | IAUC 7980 |
XXII | Francisco | S/2001 U3 | 2001 | J.J. Kavelaars, M. Holman, D. Milisavljevic, T. Grav | IAUC 8216, IAUC 7980 |
XXIII | Margaret | S/2003 U3 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt | IAUC 8217 |
XXIV | Ferdinand | S/2001 U2 | 2001 | D. Milisavljevic, M. Holman, J.J. Kavelaars, T. Grav | IAUC 8213 |
XXV | Perdita | S/1986 U10 | 1986 | E. Karkoschka | IAUC 7171 |
XXVI | Mab | S/2003 U1 | 2003 | M.R. Showalter, J.J. Lissauer | IAUC 8209 |
XXVII | Cupid | S/2003 U2 | 2003 | M.R. Showalter, J.J. Lissauer | IAUC 8209 |
S/2023 U1 | 2023 | S.S. Sheppard | MPEC 2024-D113 | ||
Satellites of Neptune: 16 | |||||
I | Triton | 1846 | W. Lassell | IAU WGPSN | |
II | Nereid | 1949 | G.P. Kuiper | IAU WGPSN | |
III | Naiad | S/1989 N6 | 1989 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
IV | Thalassa | S/1989 N5 | 1989 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
V | Despina | S/1989 N3 | 1989 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
VI | Galatea | S/1989 N4 | 1989 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
VII | Larissa | S/1989 N2 | 1989 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
VIII | Proteus | S/1989 N1 | 1989 | Voyager Science Team | IAU WGPSN |
IX | Halimede | S/2002 N1 | 2002 | M. Holman, J.J. Kavelaars, T. Grav, W. Fraser, D. Milisavljevic | IAUC 8047 |
X | Psamathe | S/2003 N1 | 2003 | S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna | IAUC 8193 |
XI | Sao | S/2002 N2 | 2002 | T. Grav, M. Holman, J. Kavelaars, W. Fraser, D. Milisavljevic | IAUC 8047 |
XII | Laomedeia | S/2002 N3 | 2002 | J. Kavelaars, M. Holman, T. Grav, W. Fraser, D. Milisavljevic | IAUC 8047 |
XIII | Neso | S/2002 N4 | 2002 | M. Holman, J. Kavelaars, T. Grav, W. Fraser, D. Milisavljevic | IAUC 8213 |
XIV | Hippocamp | S/2004 N1 | 2013 | M.R. Showalter, I. de Pater, J.J. Lissauer, R.S. French | CBET 3586 |
S/2002 N5 | 2002 | M. Holman, J.J. Kavelaars, T. Grav, W. Fraser | MPEC 2024-D114 | ||
S/2021 N1 | 2021 | S.S. Sheppard, D.J. Tholen, C. Trujillo, P.S. Lykawka | MPEC 2024-D112 | ||
Satellites of Dwarf Planet Pluto: 5 | |||||
I | Charon | S/1978 P1 | 1978 | J.W. Christy | IAU WGPSN |
II | Nix | S/2005 P2 | 2005 | H.A. Weaver, S.A. Stern, M.J. Mutchler, A.J. Steffl, M.W. Buie, W.J. Merline, J.R. Spencer, E.F. Young, L.A. Young | IAUC 8625 |
III | Hydra | S/2005 P1 | 2005 | H.A. Weaver, S.A. Stern, M.J. Mutchler, A.J. Steffl, M.W. Buie, W.J. Merline, J.R. Spencer, E.F. Young, L.A. Young | IAUC 8625 |
IV | Kerberos | S/2011 (134340) 1 | 2011 | M.R. Showalter, D.P. Hamilton, S.A. Stern, H.A. Weaver, A.J. Steffl, L.A. Young | IAUC 9221 |
V | Styx | S/2012 (134340) 1 | 2012 | M.R. Showalter, H.A. Weaver, S.A. Stern, A.J. Steffl, M.W. Buie, W.J. Merline, M.J. Mutchler, R. Soummer, H.B. Throop | IAUC 9253 |