Ian Lyon, lead of the TOFSIMS lab in Manchester, UK has developed two TOFSIMS instruments with his colleagues. One instrument uses C60 ion sputtering and laser post-ionization to boost detection sensitivity and the other is equipped with gold cluster and duoplasmatron ion guns. The different types of ion gun provide diverse analytical capabilities to look for a variety of solar wind elements embedded in the Genesis samples.
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Interstellar Dust Laser Explorer (IDLE) team with TOFSIMS instrument used for Genesis analyses.
Left to right: Ashley King (seated), Ian Lyon (lead of TOFSIMS Lab), Torsten Henkel, Detlef Rost.
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Refrigerator Enhanced Laser Analyzer for Xenon (RELAX) team analyze xenon samples from the Genesis samples.
Left to right: Sarah Crowther, Grenville Turner, Jamie Gilmour (lead of Xenon and Krypton Analysis Lab)
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