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The following interview occurred July 2, 2004 between
Genesis Mission Project Manager Don Sweetnam and Jacinta Behne,
J.B. You have a long history with the Genesis mission,
and made the transition from PCAR team lead to project manager
following the spacecraft launch. How has the nature of your
work changed in that transition?
D.S. Prior to launch I led the Planning, Control,
Analysis Integrated Product Team. At launch and after, this
job transitioned to mission manager, for which I was responsible
for the day-to-day leadership of the Flight Team (people who
plan the mission and operate the spacecraft). My main focus
was internal-mostly to the people who work on the project.
When I took on the role of project manager, my focus became
mostly external. While I have overall responsibility for the
Genesis project, I spend a lot of time communicating to people
outside of the project about how things are going. This includes
my NASA sponsors on the one hand and the public on the other.
J.B. The Genesis spacecraft has logged over 1,000
days of flight. Have there been significant milestones and/or
great challenges in flight?
D.S. We have completed collecting solar wind samples.
Our spacecraft, like a tuna boat with a hold full of albacore
headed to port, is loaded with ions from the sun headed for
Earth. The biggest challenge is now ongoinggetting the
spacecraft back from space, through a little keyhole at the
top of Earth's atmosphere, past the blazing heat of reentry,
intercepted and hooked by a helicopter over the Utah desert,
and safely delivered to an ultra-clean room in Texas. Of course,
this pales in comparison to the scientist's task of extracting
a few solar atoms from a matrix of silicon wafers....
J.B. The Genesis sample return maneuver, with its
mid-air capture by flight crews that include Hollywood stunt
pilots, promises edge-of-your-seat suspense for the public.
What are some of the challenges in executing a perfect retrieval
operation on September 8?
D.S. 'Hardest is going to be to find it. The capsule
enters the top of the Earth's atmosphere at 11km/s above the
Oregon coastline and within three minutes it is over a 100km
target zone in the Utah desertstill supersonic...in
another three minutes, it's in a lazy spiral under a 30 foot
parafoil with 12 minutes for a helicopter to redezvous with
it and a few minutes more to hook it.
J.B. Once the capsule is captured, how will it
be contained? When will the science canister be opened?
D.S. The capsule will be towed by the helicopter from
the intercept point out on the range back to a nearby airfield
where a clean room awaits. We set the capsule down in a fixture
with wheels that is waiting nearby the cleanroom and then
roll it inside. Then we proceed to saw (think sawzall) through
4 latches releasing the capsule lid and allowing us to see
the closed and sealed canister. We connect a pure nitrogen
line to the canister to expel any contaminated air inside.
And then we "tag and bag" all of the capsule and
parafoil parts and ship them to Johnson Space Center (JSC).
Once inside the ultra-clean room at JSC, we will start the
process to open the canister and expose the solar wind collector
arrays. The array wafers will be inventoried and checked with
microscopes for cracks and meteorite impacts. Then begins
a longer process to cut up some of the array wafers and send
small chips to science teams who will search for the ions
from the Sun.
The following interview occurred May 29, 2001 between
then Genesis Mission Operations Manager and PCAR Team Leader
Don Sweetnam and Senior Consultant Jacinta Behne, McREL.
J.B. You work as the PCAR team leader on the Genesis
mission. What does PCAR stand for, and what does this job
title mean?
D.S. PCAR is an acronym for Planning, Control, Analysis,
and Recovery. generally speaking, these are the major tasks
of the mission operations team. Our job is to fly the spacecraft
(by remote control) from the time of launch until the return
to Earth. We do this by planning what events (such
as a midcourse maneuver) are supposed to occur and on what
dates they are to happen. We control the spacecraft
by sending commands. We do analysis of the telemetry
from the spacecraft to tell how the spacecraft is doing and
what the solar wind is like, and at the end of the mission
we perform a recovery of the sample return capsule
when it comes back to Earth.
J.B. Do you have an opportunity to work with other
Genesis mission teams? If so, how?
D.S. Prior to launch Genesis has several teams, including
a science instrument building team and spacecraft building
team. The PCAR Team has worked closely with these teams to
make sure that we understand how the spacecraft will perform
in space and how to operate the science instruments.
J.B. Do you have other responsibilities at JPL?
If so, what are they?
D.S. Right now, I am dedicated to the Genesis Discovery
Mission.getting it successfully launched and collecting
solar wind samples.
J.B. What have you found to be the most fascinating
thing about the Genesis mission? What new science understanding
will Genesis provide?
D.S. The most fascinating thing about Genesis is the
trajectory. it is like we are flying around the edge of
an enormous potato chip. I am excited that Genesis will
provide a new understanding about the composition of our Sun
from the solar wind samples we collect, and how that will
help us understand why our Earth is different from the Sun
and different from the other planets in our solar system.
J.B. What do you see as the riskiest part of the
Genesis mission?
D.S. The two riskiest parts are right at the start
and right at the end. At the start we must do a big midcourse
correction just 48 hours after launch to make sure the spacecraft
gets to the Earth-Sun libration point, L1. At the end we must
get the spacecraft to return to a tiny spot in the Utah desert
and then snag it with a helicopter before it hits the ground.
J.B. What is your work history in space science?
Can you share your involvement in some past NASA mission with
us? How did that work lead to your work on Genesis?
D.S. I have done science experiments at Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter, Io, Saturn, Titan, Uranus, Neptune, and Triton
to measure and understand the atmospheres of these solar system
bodies. These measurements were done with Mariner 9, Pioneer
10 & 11, Mariner 10, Viking 1 & 2, and Voyager 1 & 2. I want
to extend the repertoire to include our Sun.
J.B. Can you capture an image of your everyday
work life for us?
D.S. Since I have overall responsibility for the PCAR
Operations team, I spend a good part of each day talking with
members of my team --here at JPL, at LMA in Denver, and at
LANL in Los Alamos. I discuss their work progress (updating
the trajectory or developing a command sequence or modeling
how a science instrument will work in space) to make sure
that things will get done in time for launch and that their
work dove-tails with that of other team members.
J.B. How did your educational background prepare
you for this job?
D.S. I have a degree in mathematics.math is used
in just about every aspect of the Genesis mission (from designing
a trajectory for the spacecraft to fly in space to estimating
how large a battery the spacecraft needs to calculating how
many electrons are whizzing past). It is even important in
the mundane task of keeping track of how much money we are
spending and checking that we haven't "overdrawn the checkbook."
J.B. How does someone prepare to be a PCAR team
leader? Is there college preparatory work that serves to help
in achieving this role?
D.S. At JPL the types of things we do depend heavily
on science, engineering and mathematics.these are the basic
areas to concentrate on. Advanced course work often involves
Systems Engineering - learning what it takes to go from an
idea about a space mission to actually doing it.
J.B. What career path led you to your current scope
of work at JPL?
D.S. Most of my career at JPL has been conducting
science investigations to understand planetary atmospheres.
The experience gained about the spacecraft and mission used
to conduct these experiments gradually led me to want to lead
teams to do the operations.
J.B. Have there been surprises in your education
and career history?
D.S. For me, I found that the on the job experiences
at JPL, working with world class scientists and engineers
has been continually inspiring, challenging and rewarding.and
far beyond what ever could be learned in a classroom.
J.B. What is your family life like? What leisure
time activities do you do for fun?
D.S. I have a wife and three nearly grown children.
Leisure time is spent visiting them at their colleges or watching
my youngest son at a football game. I also enjoy outdoor photography.
J.B. What advice can you offer to young scientists
and engineers?
D.S. Math and engineering classes really do teach
you useful things.if you come to work at JPL.
J.B. Are there keys to success that you would like
to share?
D.S. There is always more to learn and there are always
interesting people to learn from.
more interviews with Genesis team members that tell you
about their lives, their jobs, and about the important role
they play in the Genesis mission.
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