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Bruce Barraclough

Work history:

Bruce L. Barraclough is a Technical Staff Member (1978 - Present) in the Space and Atmospheric Sciences Group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory where he has accumulated fifteen years of experience in all aspects of the design, fabrication, testing and calibration of spaceflight neutron, gamma-ray, plasma and neutral-particle instrumentation. Additionally, he has considerable experience in mission planning and operations, sensor accommodation/integration and S/C-level testing, in-flight sensor operation and the reduction and analysis of returned data.

Bruce is currently the PI for the Advanced Neutron Spectrometers on a ten-satellite series of DOD spacecraft, the GEM and GIM solar wind spectrometers onboard the NASA Genesis spacecraft and the SAND neutron detector, scheduled for a DOD launch in 2003. He also serves as Co-I for instruments on several other NASA, ESA, and DOD missions including: CRRES/LOMICS, DOD/MPA, Ulysses/SWOOPS, Cassini/CAPS, Cluster/PEACE, Lunar Prospector/SPECS, and ACE/SWEPAM. His current research interests range from development of thin dead-layer solid state detectors, solar neutron emission and solar wind composition to defense-related science topics.

Bruce earned a B.S. degree in Chemistry and Geology from the University of New Mexico in 1973 and a Candidate in Philosophy degree in Geochemistry from UCLA in 1983. He has received a Distinguished Patent Award, two Inventor Awards and four Distinguished Performance Awards from the Laboratory, and several NASA and ESA Group Achievement Awards. He is the author/coauthor of over seventy-five refereed publications, mainly concerned with space and planetary physics.

Selected Recent Publications:

B.L. Barraclough et al., The Plasma Ion and Electron Instruments for the Genesis Mission, Space Sci. Rev., submitted, 2002.

W.C. Feldman et al., Evidence for Water Ice Near the Lunar Poles. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 23231-23252, 2001.

D.J. Lawrence et al., Thorium Abundances on the Lunar Surface, JGR, 105, E8, 20, 307, 2000.

W.C. Feldman et al., Polar Hydrogen Deposits on the Moon, J. Geophys. Res., 105, E2, 4175-4195, 2000.

D.J. McComas et al., Solar Wind Observations over Ulysses' First Full Polar Orbit, J. Geophys. Res, 105, A5, 10,419, 2000.

W.C. Feldman et al., The Lunar Prospector gamma-ray and neutron spectrometers, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A, 422, 562-566, 1999.

W.C. Feldman et al, Fluxes of Fast and Epithermal Neutrons from Lunar Prospector: Evidence of Water Ice at the Lunar Poles, Science, 281, 1496-1500, 4 Sept. 1998.

D.T. Young, et al., Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Investigation, SPIE, 2803, 119, 1996.

B.L. Barraclough et al., Helium Abundance Variations in the Solar Wind: Observations from Ulysses, Proc. 8th Inter. Solar Wind Conf., AIP Conf. Proc 382, 1996.

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