Roger Wiens
Technical Staff Member in the Space and Atmospheric Science
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM
Present Position:
Technical Staff Member in the Space and Atmospheric Science
- Co-investigator and LANL Project Lead for the Genesis
Discovery Mission. Significant responsibilities in project
leadership, development of large-aperture solar wind concentrator,
and in collector material selection & testing.
- Science analysis Co-investigator for DS-1's PEPE (Plasma
Experiment for Planetary Exploration). Emphasis on plasma
interaction with small asteroids.
- Co-investigator on a Mars Instrument Development Project
to produced and test a prototype Laser-Induced Breakdown
Spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument capable of rapidly determining
elemental composition of planetary surfaces anywhere within
60 ft of a rover or lander.
- Co-investigator on an internal project to develop a LIBS
companion instrument using Laser-Induced Mass Spectrometry
(LIMS) which could determine isotopic compositions of planetary
surfaces anywhere within 60 ft of a rover or lander.
Previous Positions:
Geological and Planetary Science Division, Caltech -
1990 to 1997
- Staff Scientist:
Instrument development for the Genesis Discovery mission.
Developed & tested solar wind concentrator prototype. Meteorite
and planetary surface analyses using resonance ionization
mass spectrometry.
Isotope Laboratory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
UC San Diego - 1988 to 1990
- Post-Doctoral Research Physicist:
Installed static N2 & noble gas mass spectrometer for terrestrial
sample analyses, including cosmogenic surface exposure dating,
mantle and crustal gas studies, and amino acids in meteorites
and the K/T boundary. Supervisor: H. Craig; collaborators:
D. Lal, K. Marti, J. Bada.
U. of Minnesota and Johnson Space Center, Houston -
1985 to 1988
- NASA Graduate Student Research Fellow:
Studied noble gases and nitrogen in SNC meteorites and the
Mars atmosphere
6+ weeks as visiting scientist at each of the following
- Physikalisches Institut, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Summer, 1995.
- Photon Interactions with Matter Research Group, Argonne
National Laboratory, ongoing 1991-96.
- Johnson Space Center, ongoing 1985-1988.
Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1988, Ph.D. Physics (Geology
minor), Advisor: R.O. Pepin.
Wheaton College, IL, 1982, B.S. (with High Honors) in Physics
Research Interests:
- Solar wind composition, and solar system elemental and
isotopic abundances
- Composition and evolution of comets and outer solar system
bodies ‡ Photon and ion interactions with planetary surfaces
- Planetary surface compositions
- Mass spectrometry instrument development
- American Geophysical Union (AGU), Life Member
- American Physical Society (APS)
- American Scientific Affiliation (ASA)
- Affiliation of Christian Geologists (ACG)
- Sigma Pi Sigma, Society of Physics Students
Selected Publications:
Dr. Wiens R.C., Becker R.H., and Pepin R.O. (1986) The case
for a martian origin
of the shergottites, II.Trapped and
indigenous gas components in EETA 79001
glass. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.
77, 149-158.
Wiens R.C., Burnett D.S., Neugebauer M., and Pepin R.O. (1991)
krypton and solid/gas fractionation
in the early solar nebula. Geophys. Res.
Lett. 18, 207-210.
Wiens R.C., Burnett D.S., Calaway W.F., and Pellin M.J. (1993)
Studies of the Role of Photodesorption
in the Formation of Planetary Na
Atmospheres. Bull. Am. Astron.
Soc. 25, 1089.
Craig H. and Wiens R.C. (1996) Gravitational enrichment of
84Kr/36Ar ratios in
the Greenland Ice Sheet Science 271,
Wiens R.C., Burnett D.S., Calaway W.F., Hansen C.S., Lykke
K.R., and Pellin
M.J. (1997) Sputtering products of sodium
sulfate: Implications for Io's surface
and for sodium-bearing molecules in the
torus. Icarus 128, 386-397.
Wiens R.C., Huss G.R., and Burnett D.S. (1999) The solar
oxygen isotopic
composition: Predictions and implications
for solar nebular processes.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science
34, 99-108. |