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The plan for distributing responsibilities among the partner organizations uses scientific and technical expertise where it exists at each institution. Use of the most qualified institutional capabilities for each subcomponent of the mission assures maximum benefits for the cost of the project. A space mission requires the skill, vision, and expertise of a number of organizations working together.
(Participantes en la Misión Génesis de la NASA)

The team for Genesis includes:


  The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the funding agency for the Genesis mission. The Delta 7326 launch vehicle will be provided by the NASA Launch Vehicle Office. NASA's launch services include vehicle production, standard launch site assembly, checkout, launch countdown, and range support, as well as spacecraft/vehicle integration, analysis, and postflight mission data evaluation.
Caltech Logo
Principal Investigator Dr. Donald Burnett at the California Institute of Technology (CIT) is the project scientist. He leads the project and is ultimately responsible for the success of the mission.
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  The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) manages the Genesis project. JPL has the technical responsibility for developing the collector arrays and the payload canister, integrating and testing the entire payload, and designing and conducting the mission. The Genesis mission lead at JPL is Project Manager Don Sweetnam.
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  Lockheed Martin Space Systems Operations is the industrial partner in the Genesis mission. Lockheed Martin Space Systems Operations plays a central role in designing the mission and spacecraft at a reasonable cost to achieve mission goals. Lockheed Martin Space Systems Operations developed the carrier spacecraft and the sample return capsule. In addition, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Operations was responsible for integrating the spacecraft and science components, testing the entire flight system before it is launched, operating the spacecraft while in space, and recovering the sample return capsule when it returns to Earth. The Genesis program manager at Lockheed Martin Space Systems Operations is Joe Vellinga.
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  Johnson Space Center (JSC) will prevent and control contamination of the solar wind collectors. JSC is also responsible for safely maintaining the returned samples. Contamination Control Lead Eileen Stansbery leads the Genesis efforts at Johnson Space Center.
  Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) developed and built the ion and electron spectrometers and solar wind concentrator. LANL also designed the robotic logic that controls the arrays and concentrator based on solar wind data from the spectrometers. LANL is in charge of monitoring the payload during flight. Roger Wiens leads the work at LANL.
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  Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL) is responsible for education and public outreach efforts to the public and to educators. McREL develops and disseminates a wide range of materials including education and public modules online via the Genesis Web site. button
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Curator: Aimee Meyer
Updated: November 2009

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