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  Events Calendar

  Date         Event
  8/8/2001   Launch

Halo Orbit Insertion

  12/3/2001   Start of Sample Collection
  4/2/2004   Completion of Sample Collection
  5/2/2004   Earth "Flyby" on way to L2
  9/8/2004   Sample Return Capsule (SRC) returns to Earth
  9/15/2004   Solar Wind was shipped to Johnson Space Center (JSC).
The SRC was shipped separately to Denver.
  10/4/2004   The Utah Testing and Training Range-packaged
collectors were flown to JSC
  9/2004 – 9/2008   Sample Cataloging at JSC
  3/2005   Distribution of Solar Wind Particles
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Curator: Aimee Meyer
Updated: November 2009

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