David H. Atkinson
Thomas R. Spilker, Linda Spilker, Tony Colaprete, Tibor Balint, Robert Frampton, Sushil Atreya, Athena Coustenis, Jeff Cuzzi, Kim Reh, Ethiraj Venkatapathy, Y. Alibert, N. K. Alonge, S. Asmar, G. Bampasidis, K.H. Baines, D. Banfield, J. Barnes, R. Beebe , B. Bezard, G. Bjoraker, B. Buffington, E. Chester, A. Christou, P. DeSai, M.W. Evans, L.N. Fletcher, J. Fortney, R. Gladstone, T. Guillot, M. Hedman, G. Herdrich, M. Hofstadter, A. Howard, R. Hueso, H. Hwang, A. Ingersoll, B. Kazeminejad, J.-P. Lebreton, M. Leese, R. Lorenz, P. Mahaffy, E. Martinez, B. Marty, J. Moses, O. Mousis, G. Orton, M. Patel, S. Pogrebenko, P. Read, S. Rodriguez, H. Salo, J. Schmidt, A. Sole, P. Steffes, P. Withers
Panel Selection:
Giant Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and exoplanets, including rings and magnetic fields, but not their satellites.
University of Idaho
It is recommended that probe missions to the giant planets be performed to help constrain models of solar system formation and the origin and evolution of atmospheres, to provide a basis for comparative studies of the gas and ice giants, and to provide a valuable link to extrasolar planetary systems