The Science of Titan and its Future Exploration


Jonathan I. Lunine


A. Coustenis, P. Beauchamp, K. Reh, G. Bampasitis, L. Bruzzone, M.T. Capria, Coates, A., A.J. Friedson, D. Gautier, R. Jaumann, K.K. Klaus, J-P. Lebreton, T. Livengood, R. Lopes-Gautier, E. Lellouch, R. Lorenz, F-J. Martin-Torres, X. Moussas, C. Nixon, J. Nott, S. Rafkin, F. RaulinLISA Univ. Paris, S. Rodriguez, F. Sohl, A. Solomonidou, E.C. Sitler, J. Soderblom, R. West, M. Wright

Panel Selection:

Satellites: Galilean satellites, Titan, and the other satellites of the giant planets.


University of Arizona

This paper describes the science rationale for the next steps beyond Cassini-Huygens of exploration of Saturn''s moon Titan.


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