From astronomical observations and previous space
missions, comet dust grains are known to contain
various minerals and some organic compounds, but
we do not currently know the detailed chemical
makeup of these minerals and compounds.
The question has been asked whether comets might
contain some sort of alien life form, and if so,
could there be an associated hazard. The answer
is that there is no reason to expect any form
of life in comets, and furthermore there is direct
evidence against any hypothetical idea that comets
contain anything that is hazardous to the Earth.
From all the scientific studies by biologists
and ecologists, in order for life to be active,
it must be in an environment in which liquid water
could exist. Generally, this means that the environmental
temperatures must be above the freezing point
of water, the temperature of zero degrees Celsius.
Some rare, extremely hardy single-celled organisms,
like certain bacteria, can be active at temperatures
as low as 15 degrees C below this, but not lower.
Temperatures in a comet nucleus are far colder,
ranging from -50 to -250 deg C, and must have
remained extremely cold since the time the comet
was formed, some 4.6 billions of years ago. Life
could have never started on such small, frigid
and airless bodies. Even if a small bacterium
somehow was put into space, and eventually got
onto a comet, it could not survive the harsh environmental
conditions of ultrahigh vacuum, ultraviolet exposure,
and the pervasive radiation from cosmic rays and
solar particle events.
Furthermore, it is important to know that about
40,000 tons of dust particles from comets and
asteroids fall on Earth every year. A large fraction
of this is cometary material, and a small but
important fraction of this will not have been
heated to even as high as Stardust particles will
be when they impact into aerogel at a speed of
13,000 miles per hour (6 km/sec), which will heat
each particle to hundreds of degrees for a short
time. This constant bombardment of Earth by the
particles shed from comets has been going on for
the more than three billions of years that life
has existed on this planet, yet life has flourished.
Every second, a billion comet particles of the
size to be collected by Stardust fall naturally
to Earth. More particles of comet dust fall on
your front yard every year than the Stardust mission
will return to Earth. From a scientific standpoint,
it is unfortunate that we cannot sort out these
particles from the trillions of natural soil particles.
That is why we must fly a space mission to a comet,
so that we can bring back just comet dust.
The total amount of cometary material to be returned
by the Stardust mission is less than a few millionths
of an ounce (micrograms). Scientists will have
to use the most advanced instruments they have
in their laboratories just to make microscopic
pictures and mineral analyses of these tiny dust
grains. Studying comet dust and stardust is an
essential step for learning how the planets formed
and evolved to eventually create the warm, wet
conditions from which life itself waseventually
able to come about.
The Stardust samples are collected by a method
that results in spike-heating of the sample. The
planetary protection issue has been thoroughly
reviewed by a special Task Group for the National
Research Council, which draws from the National
Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering
and Institute of Medicine. They have recommended:
"On the basis of available information
about the Moon, Io, dynamically new comets
(specifically the outer 10 meters), and
interplanetary dust particles (sampled
from the interplanetary medium, sampled
near the Moon or Io, or sampled in a way
that would result in exposure to extreme
temperatures, e.g., spike heated), the
task group concluded with a high degree
of confidence that no special containment
is warranted for samples returned from
those bodies beyond what is needed for
scientific purposes."*
* - From Evaluating the Biological Potential
in Samples Returned from Planetary Satellites
and Small Solar System Bodies, National Academy
of Sciences, NRC, 1998. ISBN 0-309-06136-9. (available
on the Internet at
Last updated
November 26, 2003 |