STARDUST Status Report
August 6, 1999
During the scheduled STARDUST Deep Space Network (DSN) pass on Wednesday,
August 4, it was discovered that the spacecraft was in safemode. After
approximately an hour of waiting for a signal, commands were transmitted to
the spacecraft to power on the Exciter and Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA).
This resulted in a weak signal and carrier lock being detected from
the spacecraft at the DSN tracking station. Following this, commands were
then sent to deadband walk the spacecraft to Medium Gain Antenna (MGA) Earth
point with a resulting increase in signal strength. Further commands were
transmitted to start telemetry download from the spacecraft, and it was then
confirmed that a reboot had occurred on July 30, approximately 2 hours after
the last DSN pass. Event Reports (EVRs) were obtained from the spacecraft
and the apparent cause is very similar to the last safemode entry about 2
weeks ago. Commands were sent to exit safemode and restore the spacecraft to
its normal configuration. Presently, the spacecraft configuration is Nominal
Mode, with uplink using the Low Gain Antenna #2 (LGA2), downlink using the MGA,
SSPA1 powered on, and Earth pointed with 4 degree deadbands.
In both safemodes, the problem appears to be the same: the lack of
Star Camera image transfer through the Payload and Attitude Control
Interface (PACI) board. Both problems occurred within a day after normal
communications. This tends to rule out an Single Event Upset (SEU) of the
PACI board. Also, the problems seems to be unrelated to specific flight
software patches for going to All-Stellar attitude control and also task
priority swapping, which are in their final phases of Spacecraft Test
Laboratory (STL) testing. Since the Cometary Interstellar Dust Analyzer
(CIDA) instrument was not powered on during the second safing event, CIDA
appears not to be a factor.
For more information on the STARDUST mission - the first ever comet sample
return mission - please visit the STARDUST home page: