STARDUST Status Report
June 5, 1998
Ken Atkins
STARDUST Project Manager
Assembly, Test, and Launch Operations (ATLO) activities: Excellent Progress
this week by the Flight System & ATLO Team. The flight solar arrays
were installed and characterized in less time than scheduled. The navigation
camera (NavCam) installation was completed and end-to-end connectivity established
and tested. This marks end-to-end check out and testing of all three active
science interfaces on the flight system, e.g. dust flux monitor (DFM),
& interstellar dust analyzer (CIDA) and NavCam. A fit-check on the NavCam
periscope was also completed. Solutions were developed for the waveguide
and Power Control Assembly (PCA) interference issues reported last week
and are being implemented. A successful exercise of a trajectory correction
maneuver (TCM) with the software was run and preparations for the upcoming
Spacecraft Performance Test #1 progressed well.
On the name collection campaign: As
of June 4, more than 200,000 names have been received for the second Microchip.
The "Zoom In On the Microchip" section of the Home Page is complete.
For more information on the STARDUST mission - the first ever comet sample
return mission - please visit the STARDUST home page: