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STARDUST Status Report

May 22, 1998

Ken Atkins
STARDUST Project Manager

Assembly, Test, and Launch Operations (ATLO) activities: Activities this past week included the successful first run of the "Aliveness Test." This test confirms all subsystem interfaces are operational and "healthy." Also, one spacecraft side panel (+Y) was folded up to allow installation of the Cometary Interstellar Dust Analyzer (CIDA) sensor. The gold "saxaphone-like" sensor, delivered this week by the German CIDA team, is clearly visible in the video picture from Lockheed Martin. Installation and initial testing went very well. Congratulations to the CIDA team! The silver horn in the picture is the medium gain antenna...a key element of the telecommunications subsystem.

Outreach: Public interest in the film "Deep Impact" has continued to improve public awareness of STARDUST by the film-folk's help in facilitating the new round of name collections for the second microchip to be flown in the Sample Return Capsule (SRC). As of May 20, 146,274 names had been collected. This exceeds the total number of names collected for the first microchip. As many, many more interested fans join us....a hearty, "Welcome Aboard."

In another familiar setting, the STARDUST Project provided Aerogel for an interesting exhibit in Disneyland's premier of the New Tomorrowland. The Official Grand Opening is this Memorial weekend.

On Thursday, there were 109,228 hits to the home page, a new record for STARDUST! Thanks for looking in! We encourage you to browse through the site. You can listen to STARDUST-related music by hitting the jukebox in the STARDUST Cafe, or you can check out some great coloring work by kids if you click the words "Color me STARDUST" on the "What's New?" page. You can also find out where comet Wild-2 is right now. And for newcomers, certainly don't forget the STARDUST name collection form. And, as you browse, look for the great links to our partner's sites such as Jason, Challenger Centers, and OmniPlex.

For more information on the STARDUST mission - the first ever comet sample return mission - please visit the STARDUST home page:

Last Updated: November 26, 2003
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