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STARDUST Status Report

May 8, 1998

Ken Atkins
STARDUST Project Manager

Assembly, Test, and Launch Operations (ATLO) activities: ATLO this week involved installing the Solar Array Switching Unit (SASU), the test battery, and making harness modifications for the Navigation Camera. The Sample Return Capsule (SRC) spin balance testing and ballasting was successfully completed. The total SRC mass is about 46 kg (101 lbs).

Outreach: The Project in collaboration the National Space Society, along with Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures, today has announced a joint online campaign to collect one million names to be flown round-trip to comet Wild 2 onboard the Stardust Sample Return Capsule. The campaign, "Make an IMPACT," is being launched in time for the nationwide release of the film, "DEEP IMPACT," and will continue through the summer. The names will be printed onto a microchip to be placed aboard the craft later this year. Already collected are the names of every member of the cast and crew of "DEEP IMPACT." Names can be submitted by going to the National Space Society website at, the film's website at, or the signup page on the Stardust website:

Last Updated: November 26, 2003
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